Enhancements done
Introduced bind_addr parameter in Device() API #1279
Introduced vmhost paramater in dev.facts #1333
Introduced hostkey_verify paramater in Device() API #1321
Updated Docker file to use the latest Alpine #1316
Bugs Fixed
Fixed the missing key to EthernetSwitchingTable #1228
Fixed error handling on HelloHandler #1339
Fixed the version check #1338
Removed Google and Stackflow link from the ReadME #1337
Fixed SystemStorageTable tables and views to handles multiple routing-engine file system storage information.#1244
Fixed Console' object has no attribute '_use_filter' error when executed Table/View script #1335
Fixed cli function to get full RPC response #1315
Fixed sw.install to set no_validate option when validate=False for NSSU and ISSU upgrade #1323
Fixed UT framework mock to use built-in unittest.mock #1311
Fixed specific VC member reboot handling #1308 #1310
Supported latest paramiko version which supports aes128-gcm and aes256-gcm cipher
You can’t perform that action at this time.