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email reader

Nathan Richardson edited this page Sep 10, 2019 · 2 revisions
Email Reader


metl openemail 48x48 color

Use When

Data needs read from an Email message



The Email Reader is used to connect to an email account to read data from the message or save any attachments.

The Email Reader processes through a list of email messages in a chosen mailbox and forwards the message content as a TextMessage to downstream components, values such as the sender email address, subject line, send and receive date are included with the message as header parameters. Attachments can also be saved in a defined folder. The searched emails can include all emails in the folder or filtered from a particular email address and/or that contain a specific subject as well as it can look for only emails that are un-read. Once an email is found that matches the criteria it is marked as read and is processed. If an email does not match the criteria it will be left un-read unless the option to mark all messages as read is checked. Once emails are processed there is an option to move these emails to another folder in your mailbox.

Inbound Message Type

Any Message Type

Output Message Type

Text Based Message

Control Message Handling

Input: When a unit of work boundary is received and 'Run When' is 'PER UNIT OF WORK' start the processing of this component or when any message other than a control is received and 'Run When' is 'PER MESSAGE' or when any message is received and 'Run When' is 'PER ENTITY' or this component is a start step (ie. no input links).

Output: A single control message will be forwarded to downstream components once all emails have been processed through this step.

Name Description


The Mail Session based resource defined for the Email account to access.

Error Suspense Step

Whether to forward failed messages and continue processing. This is the name of a linked component to forward the failed messages to.


Email Source Folder

This is the name of the email folder to process through.

Move Emails To Folder

If provided, this is the email folder to move the processed email messages to, will create if it does not exist.

Path to Save Email Attachments

If provided, attachments of emails will be saved in this local folder.

Email From to Search For

If provided, this is the 'received from' or 'sender' email address of emails you wish to search for in the email source folder.

Subject to Search For

If provided, this is the email subject of the emails you wish to search for in the email source folder. This value is searched based on a contains criteria, it is not doing an exact match.

Search Only Un-read Messages

If checked, this component will only look at new messages in the email source folder.

Mark All Messages as Read

If checked, all new messages in the email source folder will be marked as read regardless of whether they met the filter criteria.

Run When

Log Input

Log Output

Inbound Queue Capacity

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