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data diff

Nathan Richardson edited this page Jan 16, 2019 · 11 revisions
Model Data Diff


metl diff 48x48 color

Use When

A set of model based data needs compared to another set of model based data in order to generate insert/update/delete instructions for a writer component


Calculate Differences Only


The Model Data Diff component compares two sets of model based data in order to generate insert/update/delete instructions for a writer component in order to get the model based data sets to match.

Inbound Message Type

Model Based Message

Output Message Type

Model Based Message

Control Message Handling

Input: As entity messages are received this component will load the data into a temporary database until the Unit of Work Boundary is received then the messages will be processed for differences.

Output: A single control message will be forwarded to downstream components once all files have been processed through this step.

Name Description

Input Model

Error Suspense Step

Whether to forward failed messages and continue processing. This is the name of a linked component to forward the failed messages to.


Source of Old Version

The source component that is sending data to the data diff component that represents the old or prior data for the compare

Source of New Version

The source component that is sending data to the data diff component that represents the new or current data for the compare

Rows Per Message

In Memory Compare

Whether the compare should be done in memory or on disk. If checked, the compare will be done completely in memory

Log Input

Log Output

Inbound Queue Capacity

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