This exhibit was created for the MIT "Generative Unfoldings" project.
Pre-packaged releases for deployment to a static web server may be found on the releases page.
npm install
npm run start
./msdf-atlas-gen.exe -font Lora-Regular.ttf -type msdf -format png -dimensions 255 255 -imageout Lora_sdf.png -json Lora_layout.json -pxrange 2
npm run build
npm run deploy
Code licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.
Developed by Behnaz Farahi and Julian Ceipek.
- Source text for the Markov text (media/TEXT.txt) is an excerpt from the seminal article “Can The Subaltern Speak?” by the feminist theorist Gayatri Spivak (1985).
- Includes a font atlas generated via Viktor Chlumský's multi-channel signed distance field generator
- Uses three.js for 3d rendering
- Uses stats.js for performance monitoring
- Uses webpack and various extensions for bundling (see package.json)