ObjectiveC v1.0.0
Closed issues:
- Unable to load framework: InexactError() (#1)
- Add Lazy.jl to REQUIRE (#3)
- Error with misplaced expression escape (#5)
- Examples in README.md no longer work (#6)
- an objc_msgSend() macro (#8)
- TagBot trigger issue (#14)
- TagBot is not set up appropriately (#21)
Merged pull requests:
- Update code for changes to Bool coersion in Julia v0.4 (Fixes #1) (#2) (@kmsquire)
- Misplaced return statement in foundation.jl (#7) (@rennis250)
- Modernize the package (#11) (@maleadt)
- Add call tracing functionality. (#15) (@maleadt)
- More detailed debug descriptions in show (#20) (@tgymnich)
- Update TagBot.yml (#22) (@maleadt)