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update RotateTranslateScale; add InterpolateDataFields2D for CartData
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boriskaus committed Feb 23, 2024
1 parent 709a791 commit d4290e7
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Showing 2 changed files with 73 additions and 24 deletions.
86 changes: 68 additions & 18 deletions src/utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1137,12 +1137,40 @@ end
InterpolateDataFields2D(V::CartData, X, Y)
Interpolates a data field `V` on a 2D CartData grid defined. Typically used for horizontal surfaces
Interpolates a data field `V` on a 2D CartData grid defined by `X`,`Y`. Typically used for horizontal surfaces
function InterpolateDataFields2D(V::CartData, X, Y)
X_vec = V.x.val[:,1,1];
Y_vec = V.y.val[1,:,1];
return InterpolateDataFields2D_vecs(X_vec, Y_vec, V.depth, V.fields, X, Y)
return InterpolateDataFields2D_vecs(X_vec, Y_vec, V.z, V.fields, X, Y)

InterpolateDataFields2D(Original::CartData, New::CartData; Rotate=0.0, Translate=(0,0,0), Scale=(1.0,1.0,1.0))
Interpolates a data field `Original` on a 2D CartData grid `New`.
Typically used for horizontal surfaces.
Note: `Original` should have orthogonal coordinates. If it has not, e.g., because it was rotated, you'll have to specify the angle `Rotate` that it was rotated by
function InterpolateDataFields2D(Original::CartData, New::CartData; Rotate=0.0, Translate=(0.0,0.0,0.0), Scale=(1.0,1.0,1.0))
if (Rotate!=0.0) || Any(Translate .!= (0,0,0)) || Any(Scale .!= (1.0,1.0,1.0))
Original_r = RotateTranslateScale(Original, Rotate = -1.0*Rotate, Translate = -1.0.*Translate, Scale=-1.0.*Scale);
New_r = RotateTranslateScale(New, Rotate = -1.0*Rotate, Translate = -1.0.*Translate, Scale=-1.0.*Scale);
Original_r = Original;
New_r = New;

X_vec = Original_r.x.val[:,1,1];
Y_vec = Original_r.y.val[1,:,1];

Xnew = New_r.x.val
Ynew = New_r.y.val
Znew, fields_new = InterpolateDataFields2D_vecs(X_vec, Y_vec, Original_r.z, Original_r.fields, Xnew, Ynew)

return CartData(New.x.val,New.y.val,Znew, fields_new)

Expand All @@ -1156,9 +1184,10 @@ function InterpolateDataFields2D_vecs(EW_vec, NS_vec, depth, fields_new, EW, NS)
# fields_new = V.fields;
field_names = keys(fields_new);
for i = 1:length(fields_new)
if typeof(fields_new[i]) <: Tuple
data_tuple = fields_new[i]

if (typeof(data_tuple) <: Tuple) & (!contains(String(field_names[i]),"colors"))
# vector or anything that contains more than 1 field
data_tuple = fields_new[i] # we have a tuple (likely a vector field), so we have to loop
data_array = zeros(size(EW,1),size(EW,2),size(EW,3),length(data_tuple)); # create a 3D array that holds the 2D interpolated values
unit_array = zeros(size(data_array));

Expand All @@ -1168,12 +1197,36 @@ function InterpolateDataFields2D_vecs(EW_vec, NS_vec, depth, fields_new, EW, NS)
data_new = tuple([data_array[:,:,1,c] for c in 1:size(data_array,4)]...) # transform 3D matrix to tuple

elseif contains(String(field_names[i]),"colors")
# This is a 3D matrix. We need to interpolate each color channel separately, while using nearest neighbour
# as you don't want to average colors

# use nearest neighbour to interpolate data
X,Y,_ = XYZGrid(EW_vec, NS_vec, depth.val[1]);

coord = [vec(X)'; vec(Y)'];
kdtree = KDTree(coord; leafsize = 10);
points = [vec(EW)';vec(NS)'];
idx,dist = nn(kdtree, points);
I = CartesianIndices(axes(X))
I_idx = I[idx]
I_loc = CartesianIndices(axes(EW))

data_array = zeros(size(EW,1),size(EW,2),size(EW,3),length(data_tuple)); # create a 3D array that holds the 2D interpolated values
for (n,i) in enumerate(I_loc)
ix,iy = i[1],i[2]
for j=1:length(data_tuple)
data_array[ix,iy,1,j] = data_tuple[j][I_idx[n]]
data_new = tuple([data_array[:,:,1,c] for c in 1:size(data_array,4)]...) # transform 3D matrix to tuple

# scalar field
if length(size(fields_new[i]))==3
interpol = linear_interpolation((EW_vec, NS_vec), fields_new[i][:,:,1], extrapolation_bc = Flat()); # create interpolation object
if length(size(data_tuple))==3
interpol = linear_interpolation((EW_vec, NS_vec), data_tuple[:,:,1], extrapolation_bc = Flat()); # create interpolation object
interpol = linear_interpolation((EW_vec, NS_vec), fields_new[i], extrapolation_bc = Flat()); # create interpolation object
interpol = linear_interpolation((EW_vec, NS_vec), data_tuple, extrapolation_bc = Flat()); # create interpolation object

data_new = interpol.(EW, NS); # interpolate data field
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1702,7 +1755,7 @@ function VoteMap(DataSets::GeoData, criteria::String; dims=(50,50,50))

Data_R = RotateTranslateScale(Data::Union{ParaviewData, CartData}; Rotate=0, Translate=(0,0,0), Scale=(1.0,1.0,1.0))
Data_R = RotateTranslateScale(Data::Union{ParaviewData, CartData}; Rotate=0, Translate=(0,0,0), Scale=(1.0,1.0,1.0), Xc=(0.0,0.0))
Does an in-place rotation, translation and scaling of the Cartesian dataset `Data`.
Expand All @@ -1711,6 +1764,7 @@ Note that we apply the transformations in exactly this order:
- `Scale`: scaling applied to the `x,y,z` coordinates of the data set
- `Rotate`: rotation around the `x/y` axis (around the center of the box)
- `Translate`: translation
- `Xc`: center of rotation
# Example
Expand All @@ -1732,7 +1786,7 @@ ParaviewData
fields: (:Depth,)
function RotateTranslateScale(Data::Union{ParaviewData, CartData}; Rotate=0, Translate=(0,0,0), Scale=(1.0,1.0,1.0))
function RotateTranslateScale(Data::Union{ParaviewData, CartData}; Rotate::Number=0.0, Translate=(0,0,0), Scale=(1.0,1.0,1.0), Xc=(0.0,0.0))

X,Y,Z = copy(Data.x.val), copy(Data.y.val), copy(Data.z.val); # Extract coordinates
Xr,Yr,Zr = X,Y,Z; # Rotated coordinates
Expand All @@ -1747,13 +1801,13 @@ function RotateTranslateScale(Data::Union{ParaviewData, CartData}; Rotate=0, Tra

# 2) 2D rotation around X/Y axis, around center of box
Xm,Ym = mean(X), mean(Y);
R = [cosd(Rotate[1]) -sind(Rotate[1]); sind(Rotate[1]) cosd(Rotate[1])]; # 2D rotation matrix
Xm,Ym = 0.0, 0.0;
R = [cosd(Rotate) -sind(Rotate); sind(Rotate) cosd(Rotate)]; # 2D rotation matrix

for i in eachindex(X)
Rot_XY = R*[X[i]-Xm; Y[i]-Ym];
Xr[i] = Rot_XY[1] + Xm;
Yr[i] = Rot_XY[2] + Ym;
Rot_XY = R*[X[i]-Xc[1]; Y[i]-Xc[2]];
Xr[i] = Rot_XY[1] + Xc[1];
Yr[i] = Rot_XY[2] + Xc[2];

# 3) Add translation
Expand All @@ -1762,15 +1816,11 @@ function RotateTranslateScale(Data::Union{ParaviewData, CartData}; Rotate=0, Tra
Zr .+= Translate[3];

# Modify original structure
#Data.x.val = Xr;
#Data.y.val = Yr;
#Data.z.val = Zr;
if isa(Data, ParaviewData)
Data_r = ParaviewData(Xr,Yr,Zr, Data.fields)
Data_r = CartData(Xr,Yr,Zr, Data.fields)

return Data_r
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11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions test/test_utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -200,15 +200,14 @@ Data_VoteMap = VoteMap([Data_set3D_reverse, Data_set3D], ["Depthdata<-560","LonD
X,Y,Z = LonLatDepthGrid(10:20,30:40,-50:-10);
Data_C = ParaviewData(X,Y,Z,(Depth=Z,))
Data_C1 = RotateTranslateScale(Data_C, Rotate=30);
@test Data_C1.x.val[10] 20.964101615137753
@test Data_C1.y.val[10] 32.66987298107781
@test Data_C1.x.val[10] 1.4544826719043336
@test Data_C1.y.val[10] 35.48076211353316
@test Data_C1.z.val[20] == -50

Data_C1 = RotateTranslateScale(Data_C, Scale=10, Rotate=10, Translate=(1,2,3));
#@test Data_C1.x.val[10] ≈ 213.78115820908607
#@test Data_C1.y.val[10] ≈ 339.4092822315127
#@test Data_C1.z.val[20] == -497.0

@test Data_C1.x.val[10] 136.01901977224043
@test Data_C1.y.val[10] 330.43547966037914
@test Data_C1.z.val[20] == -497.0

# create point data set (e.g. Earthquakes)
Lon,Lat,Depth = LonLatDepthGrid(15:0.05:17,35:0.05:37,280km);
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