MySQL v1.0.0
Closed issues:
- error precompiling on julia 0.6.2 (#99)
- [Bug] No length check for binary data (#101)
- 'error in running finalizer' when running MySQL.query with an 'update' command (#103)
- Fails on FreeBSD: LoadError: Your platform amd64-unknown-freebsd11.1 is not supported by this package! (#105)
- Error installing MySQL on arm7l (#106)
- Error handling nullable fields on arm7l (#107)
- Performance of
Data.stream!(::DataFrame, ::MySQL.Statement)
(#108) - API Encoding Mis-Match with Julia Encoding (#109)
- Query causes MySQL.jl to hang [Julia v0.7] (#113)
- Using
utility truncates Strings (#115) - Query error [Julia v0.7] (#116)
- Plugin caching_sha2_password could not be loaded (#118)
- Open Connection with Login Credentials in Config File (#125)
- Connection using SSL (#127)
- connect opts does not work (#128)
- Build broken on CentOS 6.7 (#132)
- Binary MySQL columns should be returned as UInt8[] rather than String (#133)
- Prepared statements with results (#134)
- error in running finalizer (#135)
- Implement a proper BinaryBuilder solution for bundling libmysqlclient/libmariadbclient (#137)
throws strange error when return is -1 (#138)
Merged pull requests: