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icweaver committed Feb 22, 2021
1 parent 33376e5 commit 823bfe8
Showing 1 changed file with 86 additions and 37 deletions.
123 changes: 86 additions & 37 deletions notebooks/simple_light_curve.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.12.20
# v0.12.21

using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils
Expand All @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ begin
using PlutoUI, Transits, Unitful, UnitfulRecipes, StatsPlots, LaTeXStrings

# ╔═╡ 8e62dabc-70c4-11eb-07b3-d7ef7471240b
Expand All @@ -35,34 +36,70 @@ md"""
In this notebook we will explore basic usage of [`Transits.jl`]( by creating some simple light curves. Let's start by first setting up the notebook environment:

# ╔═╡ 9deb2688-70ba-11eb-0222-a7899e86523b
# ╔═╡ a24d5b2a-754e-11eb-2bf5-3d5b7f4a0ec6
Now we need to gather the ingredients that make up a transit: 1) an orbit, and 2) a limb-darkening law. Let's start with describing the orbit of our exoplanetary system.

# ╔═╡ b4d183f6-70c4-11eb-33be-cd86c368ae35
md"## Orbit definition"

# ╔═╡ 13e902e0-70bd-11eb-00a2-698092b29b2c
We will now create a `SimpleOrbit` object, which is a subtype of `AbstractOrbit`. This type accepts the following fields:
We need to specify the parameters that define our orbital system. These parameters are stored in instances of the `AbstractOrbit` supertype. The most straightforward example of this is the `SimpleOrbit` subtype, so we will focus on using this subtype for the rest of this learning notebook. Let's see how to create this object next.

# ╔═╡ db44287e-70bd-11eb-31ea-a1130ca7077f

# ╔═╡ f80ed7c2-70bf-11eb-074a-e94f706e5c3b
Each field is already defined with default values, so we will go ahead and create our `SimpleOrbit` object with a period of 3 days and transit duration of 1 hour, which can be specified seamlessly with the external `Unitful.jl` package:
From the live docs, we see that `SimpleOrbit` accepts the following parameters:
* `period` - The orbital period of the planets, nominally in days
* `duration` - The duration of the transit, same units as period
* `t0` - The midpoint time of the reference transit, same units as period
* `b` - The impact parameter of the orbit
* `r_star` - The radius of the star, nominally in solar radii
Likewise, we see that `t0`, `b`, and `r_star` already have default values defined. The `;` in the function signature `SimpleOrbit(; period, duration, t0=0, b=0, r_star=1)` means that everything to the right is a keyword argument that we can define by name, so let's go ahead and do that to define an orbit with the following parameters:
* `period` = 3 days
* `duration` = 1 hour
* `t0` = 0 days
* `b` = 0
* `r_star` = 1 (in units of solar radii)

# ╔═╡ a0bcc3c4-70b7-11eb-2a20-77644ebb50c1
orbit = SimpleOrbit(period=3u"d", duration=1u"hr")

# ╔═╡ 3086d2ae-7554-11eb-3638-2f94c1011bab
With our orbit defined, we now turn to our second and last ingredient: the limb darkening law.

# ╔═╡ c63edf1e-70c4-11eb-0b86-b17548325707
md"## Limb darkening definition"

# ╔═╡ 65a7b174-70c4-11eb-12bb-1fbc53ee1764
# ╔═╡ a9f8fa38-7554-11eb-36ad-a76d087d95c6
We can now use this as input into a limb darkening law, which we define next:
Limb darkening is the natural phenomenon where a star's surface brightness appears to fall off as we look from its center to off-angle towards its limbs. The rate at which it falls off is described by a given limb darkening law. For this example, we are using a polynomial limb darkening law from [Agol, Luger, Foreman-Mackey (2020)]( This law uses analytically derived integrals, which makes it very fast and numerically accurate. There are other limb darkening laws which share a similar `AbstractLimbDark` interface. This interface lets us create composite laws like `IntegratedLimbDark` or `SecondaryLimbDark` with almost no effort. We will explore these laws and more in further notebooks.
Pulling up the documentation for our particular law, `PolynomialLimbDark`, we see that it just accepts a single parameter `u`, the vector of limb darkening coefficients. These are defined such that:
I(\mu) \propto -\sum_{i=0}^N u_i(1 - \mu)^i, \quad u_0 \equiv -1\quad,
where ``μ`` is a dimensionless parameter that varies from ``1`` to ``0`` as we move from the center to the edge of the star, as seen projected on the sky, ``N`` is the order of the polynomial, ``I`` is the intensity of the star, and ``u_i`` are the components of `u`.
For this example, we will use a quadratic limb darkening law (N = 2):
I(\mu) \propto -\sum_{i=0}^N u_i(1 - \mu)^i, \quad u_0 \equiv -1\quad,

# ╔═╡ e7223d2a-70c7-11eb-24e4-af0ff49d42db
Expand All @@ -71,13 +108,8 @@ u = [0.4, 0.26] # Quadratic limb darkening
# ╔═╡ 570e5624-70b8-11eb-1767-6911283302f5
ld = PolynomialLimbDark(u)

# ╔═╡ 40820d3a-70c5-11eb-04d1-3f32d0d453fe
For this example, we are using a Polynomial limb darkening law from [Agol, Luger, Foreman-Mackey (2020)]( This law is part of the `AbstractLimbDark` supertype, which includes the following laws as well that we will explore in other notebooks:

# ╔═╡ 832cd21e-70c5-11eb-05b5-cd9a588751fc
# ╔═╡ 20a9e3fa-754f-11eb-0cb9-a5633210dd98
@which PolynomialLimbDark(u)

# ╔═╡ d0863d52-70c5-11eb-22f6-2fb13f25751c
Expand All @@ -92,9 +124,30 @@ md"""
With the orbit and limb darkening law defined, we can now compute light curves over time `t` for a range of different planet-to-star ratios `rprs`, which can be controlled with the slider below. We perform the computation of each light curve by directly passing our `AbstractOrbit` object to `ld`:

# ╔═╡ 0d935990-70c7-11eb-227a-274d8776916d
Technically we are passing this to the `compute` function, which is aliased to `ld` for convenience. A row-vector of planet-to-star ratios can be passed as well, and the required light curve computations will be automatically broadcasted:
rprs = [0.0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2]
fluxes = @. ld(orbit, t, rprs)

# ╔═╡ b6a523e6-754b-11eb-112c-d3b1787d9818
rprs_range = 0:0.05:0.2
cs = Dict()
for (i ,rprs) in enumerate(rprs_range)
cs[rprs] = i

# ╔═╡ 6514b6ea-1374-4852-a4a7-ab8fa496d5d0
``R_\text{p}/R_* =`` $(@bind rprs Slider(0:0.05:0.2, show_value=true))
``R_\text{p}/R_* =`` $(@bind rprs Slider(rprs_range, show_value=true))

# ╔═╡ 8be23852-70b8-11eb-30d3-b315246efe02
Expand All @@ -120,7 +173,7 @@ begin

# Show current model
fluxes = @. ld(orbit, t, rprs)
plot!(t, fluxes, c=1, label=rprs, legend=:bottomleft)
plot!(t, fluxes, c=cs[rprs], label=rprs, legend=:bottomleft)

# ╔═╡ a5989098-70c7-11eb-24d3-fb1c85b6f770
Expand All @@ -129,24 +182,19 @@ Not too bad!

# ╔═╡ af07537e-70bf-11eb-3c0a-592a55780281
note(text) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("note", "Note", [text]))
tip(text) = Markdown.MD(Markdown.Admonition("tip", "Tip", [text]))

# ╔═╡ ee993496-70bd-11eb-3374-83209e8150de
These fields are described in the documentation, which can be readily pulled up in the Pluto notebook by selecting the `Live docs` tab below and then clicking on `SimpleOrbit` in the cell above. The `AbstractOrbit` supertype also inlcludes a `KeplerianOrbit` subtype that we will explore in the next notebook.
Information about functions/types/etc. can be pulled up directly in Pluto by selecting the `Live docs` tab in the bottom right corner and then clicking on the item that you would like to explore. These live docs can also automatically be called by typing `?` in a cell, followed directly by what you would like to search for.

# ╔═╡ 0d935990-70c7-11eb-227a-274d8776916d
# ╔═╡ 9bb70f6a-7553-11eb-3ba2-5f70e3e63c11
Technically we are passing this to the `compute` function, which is aliased to `ld` for convenience. A row-vector of planet-to-star ratios can be passed as well, and the required light curve computations will be automatically broadcasted:
rprs = [0.0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2]
fluxes = @. ld(orbit, t, rprs)
Parameters with units can be specified seamlessly with external [`Unitful.jl`]( package using the `u"<unit here>"` string macro, and everything should just work™.

Expand All @@ -156,24 +204,25 @@ fluxes = @. ld(orbit, t, rprs)
# ╟─8035d886-70c4-11eb-3212-fd9a6cc8de7e
# ╟─b32ef55e-70bc-11eb-0c8e-f9f51a88a134
# ╠═68a4138e-70b7-11eb-1ca7-399ee2f63a0e
# ╠═9deb2688-70ba-11eb-0222-a7899e86523b
# ╟─a24d5b2a-754e-11eb-2bf5-3d5b7f4a0ec6
# ╟─b4d183f6-70c4-11eb-33be-cd86c368ae35
# ╟─13e902e0-70bd-11eb-00a2-698092b29b2c
# ╠═db44287e-70bd-11eb-31ea-a1130ca7077f
# ╟─ee993496-70bd-11eb-3374-83209e8150de
# ╟─f80ed7c2-70bf-11eb-074a-e94f706e5c3b
# ╟─9bb70f6a-7553-11eb-3ba2-5f70e3e63c11
# ╠═a0bcc3c4-70b7-11eb-2a20-77644ebb50c1
# ╟─3086d2ae-7554-11eb-3638-2f94c1011bab
# ╟─c63edf1e-70c4-11eb-0b86-b17548325707
# ╟─65a7b174-70c4-11eb-12bb-1fbc53ee1764
# ╠═a9f8fa38-7554-11eb-36ad-a76d087d95c6
# ╠═e7223d2a-70c7-11eb-24e4-af0ff49d42db
# ╠═570e5624-70b8-11eb-1767-6911283302f5
# ╟─40820d3a-70c5-11eb-04d1-3f32d0d453fe
# ╠═832cd21e-70c5-11eb-05b5-cd9a588751fc
# ╠═20a9e3fa-754f-11eb-0cb9-a5633210dd98
# ╟─d0863d52-70c5-11eb-22f6-2fb13f25751c
# ╟─10065930-70c6-11eb-1fa7-551fd12f8e75
# ╟─1fff2420-70c6-11eb-1bc0-9d35bd83a36a
# ╟─0d935990-70c7-11eb-227a-274d8776916d
# ╟─6514b6ea-1374-4852-a4a7-ab8fa496d5d0
# ╠═8be23852-70b8-11eb-30d3-b315246efe02
# ╟─b6a523e6-754b-11eb-112c-d3b1787d9818
# ╟─8be23852-70b8-11eb-30d3-b315246efe02
# ╟─a5989098-70c7-11eb-24d3-fb1c85b6f770
# ╟─af07537e-70bf-11eb-3c0a-592a55780281
# ╠═af07537e-70bf-11eb-3c0a-592a55780281

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