This repository contains the scripts and data used for reproducing results and visualizations
- Clone the repository from the terminal:
git clone
cd wweia_crp
- Create a conda environment for running python scripts from src/wweia_crp.yml:
cd doc
conda env create -f wweia_crp.yml
- NOTE: if running on Apple Silicon you will need to run
CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64 conda env create -f wweia_crp.yml
- Activate the conda environment:
conda activate wweia_crp
- NOTE: if running on Apple Silicon you will need to run
conda env config vars set CONDA_SUBDIR=osx-64
Thenconda deactivate
andconda activate wweia_crp
- R scripts are run with a local R server within a Docker (v4.32.0) container for version control purposes
- Install docker and navigate to the wweia_crp directory
- Then run
docker build -t wweia_crp:1.0 .
- When finished run
docker run --rm -it -p 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD=yourpasswordhere -v `pwd`:/home/docker/ wweia_crp:1.0
- Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8787/
- Login to the RStudio server
- username: rstudio
- password: yourpasswordhere
- Change directories from the R console:
- Navigate to the currect working directory in the Files tab: Files > More > Go To Working Directory
- Run code seqentially starting from src/00
- NOTE: Building the NHANES dataset requires the dietary recalls wweia_all_recalls.txt which can be generated from
- Miniconda
- R 4.1.0
- TaxaHFE
- Docker 4.32.0