The second block will focus on the installation of JuezLTI and its integration in the LMS of the educational institutions. Although the consortium will offer, during the execution of the project, a free platform for its use (JuezLTI-central), JuezLTI is designed to allow the installation on premises, on the servers of any institution that wants to adopt it.
This task will be carried out mainly by EdF, since they are specialists in the integration of educational tools and they will be the ones who carry out the development of the Docker container.
Thanks to this Docker container, JuezLTI will allow a simple and modular installation, allowing each institution to easily configure the modules (programming / databases / brand languages) to be installed on their servers or their distributed installation in the cloud, through providers cloud computing services.
All of this will be defined in block 2 through the following sections:
- Installing JuezLTI on premises
- Deployment of JuezLTI on cloud
- JuezLTI Configuration
- Communication between JuezLTI and the LMS
- Integration of exercise repositories
JuezLTI will be released with an Apache 2.0 license, allowing any institution or developer to expand the functionalities of the tool, adapting it to the particularities of the institution. A specific manual to ease the task of programming is needed.
This manual will be developed mainly by INESC TEC, and will consist of the following sections:
- The LTI standard
- Architecture of JuezLTI
- Module development with TSUGI
- Internal API
- JuezLTI client development
- Development of exercises with JuezLTI