Welcome to Journally! Where we restore our memories one journal, one day at a time. Journally sends you a daily reminder via text, where you respond by writing a short journal, where you can access these journals later on the Journally website.
- Twilio to send our registered users daily messages to Journal!
- Secure
database to to store user registration info and their journally entries Flask
to send SMS from a user database of phone numbersFlask
to receive SMS and store the user's Journallys into the databaseNode.JS
for server routings, user registration on site, and storing user data into the databaseExpress.js
backend to host JournallyBootstrap
for footers and buttons and a responsive design
- Download the Google Cloud CLI:
- You should link the local CLI with the journally account
gcloud config set project journally-landing-page
gcloud app deploy
- The bottom instruction was already done:
- Add app engine deployer permission here:
- https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/iam?orgonly=true&project=journally-landing-page&supportedpurview=organizationId,folder,project