A simple Reddit bot created using Python 3.6 to respond to recent Reddit comments in a certain subreddit. The bot looks for phrases and voice lines from the Darkest Dungeon's Narrator.
All responses can be found in the voice_lines.json file or on the Narrator's Gamepedia page. Massive thanks to the creators and maintainers of the Darkest Dungeon Gamepedia for organizing and sorting his voice lines
The bot scans recent /hot/ and /new/ threads in a subreddit (set in responses_constants file) for comments that are meant to match a voice line of the Narrator. Both the comment and database description strings are cleaned before comparing for a match, which means punctuation and even emojis don't affect the bot 😂😂👍👌🔥
Any problems with the bot, please use the Issues tab and/or send me a Tweet @JoshLmao