A Ruby Rails app to allow an admin to add reviews and products to Mario's Specialty Food site.
- Step 1: Clone this repository https://github.com/jozypants/week_11_project or view here: https://mariosspecialtyfoods.herokuapp.com/
- Step 2: Cd to new directory
- Open in VS Code or similar program
- Step 3: Run the following in the terminal...
- rake db:create
- rake db:migrate
- rake db:test:prepare
- rake db:seed
- Step 3: Run Bundle install
- Step 4: Run rails s
- Make an account and in the Rails console, change admin: to true.
- An admin can create new products with name, cost and origin.[√]
- A user can view details of a product on their own individual page. [√]
- An admin can edit products. [√]
- An admin can delete products. [√]
- A user/admin is able to review products. [√]
- An admin user is able to update reviews. [√]
- An admin is able to delete reviews. [√]
- Ruby
- Rails
- Active Record
- Bootsrap
- Sass
- Devise
- Rspec
- SimpleCov
- Capybara
Copyright (c) 2020 Jozy Kinnaman