Hi! My name is Jorens, I'm from Latvia and I'm a coder/writer/musician/artist.
I'm currently working on my top secret freelance projects, as well as some personal open-source projects:
- react-tab-state - a React library that allows you to sync state across tabs
- react-context-menu - a React library that simplifies the creation of right-click context menus
- daily-planner - a web app that helps you track your tasks
My main stack is TypeScript, React, Node.js (4 years of experience), but besides that I have experience with -
- PHP - [4 years]
- WordPress - [3 years]
- Java - [2 years]
- Laravel - [1 year]
- Next.js - [1 year]
- Golang - [1 year]
Currently I'm learning piano.
I would like to collaborate on non-profit and open-source projects
I'm looking for help with my open-source projects that I'm working on. Any help is appreciated, including, but not limited to -
- Feature ideas/requests
- Bug reports
- PRs
You can ask me about absolutely anything!
You can reach me by
- Email - [email protected]
- Discord - jorensm
- LinkedIn - jorens-merenjanu
I like tacos