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An F# computation expression that groups Fable UI data into one or more collapsible panels


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The groupingPanel is a computation expression that helps you to easily group UI data in Fable into one or more collapsible groups.


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NuGet version (Fable.GroupingPanel)

Message Inbox Example

Imagine you are creating a messaging app that lists messages in the left pane.
You might start out with this:

let page = React.functionComponent(fun () -> 
    container [
        div [Class "row"] [
            div [Class "col-3"; Style [Background "#ececec"]] [
                table [Class B.table] [
                    tbody [] [
                        for email in getEmails() do
                            tr [] [
                                td [] []
                                td [] [
                                    div [] [str email.From]
                                    div [Style [FontWeight "bold"]] [str email.Subject]
                                    div [] [str (email.Received.ToShortDateString())]
            div [Class "col-9 p-2"; Style [Background "whitesmoke"]] [
                // Display message here...

Which yields: Sample Message App

Now let's add some collapsable groups using the groupingPanel computation expression:

let page = React.functionComponent(fun () ->     
    container [
        div [Class "row"] [
            div [Class "col-3"; Style [Background "#ececec"]] [
                table [Class B.table] [
                    tbody [] [
                        groupingPanel {
                            for email in getEmails() do
                            groupBy (
                                match email.Received with
                                | r when r = today  -> "Today"
                                | r when r >= (day -1) -> "Yesterday"
                                | _ -> "Older"
                            groupSortByDescending (email.Received)
                            groupHeader (fun header ->
                                tr [] [
                                    td [Style [Width "10px"]] [header.Chevron]
                                    td [] [str header.GroupKey]
                            groupCollapsedIf (email.Received < today)
                            select (
                                tr [] [
                                    td [] []
                                    td [] [
                                        div [] [str email.From]
                                        div [Style [FontWeight "bold"]] [str email.Subject]
                                        div [] [str (email.Received.ToShortDateString())]
            div [Class "col-9 p-2"; Style [Background "whitesmoke"]] [
                b [] [str "Message Body..."]

Which yields: Sample Message App with Grouping

Users List Example

This example uses two levels of grouping.

Note that the "grouping modifiers" that are prefixed with group (like groupCollapsedIf) must be preceded by a groupBy.

row [
    col [
        table [Class "table mt-4"] [
            tbody [] [
                let headerTemplate header = 
                    tr [Style [Background "#ececec"]; OnClick header.ToggleOnClick] [
                        td [ColSpan 4] [
                            span [] [str (sprintf "%s (%i)" header.GroupKey header.Group.Length)]
                groupingPanel {
                    for user in filteredUsers() do
                    groupBy (if user.IsEnabled then "Active Users" else "Disabled Users")
                    groupHeader headerTemplate
                    groupCollapsedIf (not user.IsEnabled)
                    groupBy (getCompany user.Email)
                    groupHeader headerTemplate
                    select (
                        tr [Key ("usr_" + user.Email)] [
                            td [] []
                            td[Style[LineHeight "30px"]] [
                                str user.Email
                            td [] [
                                str user.Username
                            td [] [
                                input [
                                    Props.Type "checkbox"
                                    Style [Width "20px"; Height "32px"]
                                    Class B.``form-control`` 
                                    DefaultChecked (user.IsEnabled)

Note that the first group, "Active Users", is initially expanded based on the groupCollapsedIf option:

groupCollapsedIf (not user.IsEnabled)

Sample Message App with Grouping

Sample Message App with Grouping

Minimum Configuration

Operation Description Required
for ___ in ___ do Initializes the items Yes
groupBy This adds a grouping Yes (one or more)
select This defines the item template Yes

Full List of Configuration Options

Operation Description Required
for ___ in ___ do Initializes the items Yes
localStorageKey Persists your collapsed state in local storage if a key is specified No
groupBy This adds a grouping Yes (one or more)
groupHeader Allows the user to specify a group header template No
groupFooter Allows the user to specify a group footer template No
groupCollapsed A bool that will determine whether the group will be collapsed by default No
groupCollapsedIf An expression based on the for item that will determine whether a group will be collapsed No
groupSortBy An expression based on the for item that will sort a group in ascending order No
groupSortByDescending An expression based on the for item that will sort a group in descending order No
groupColor Overrides the bg color - only applies when using the default group header template No
select This defines the item template Yes


An F# computation expression that groups Fable UI data into one or more collapsible panels







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