Since I store all my running history on Strava, I wanted an easy way to upload indoor track workouts to Strava to be processed.
This takes a csv file of the lap time and heart rate and generates a tcx file. I generate the CSV file from doing an indoor workout activity on my Suunto Ambit3 and triggering a lap each time around.
npm install
- Sample command:
npm run script -- --input sample-input/sample.csv --output output/test.tcx --config track-config/olympic-oval.json --time 2019-02-08T19:48:00.000
. Refer to help command for more information.
A track config file consists of 5 parameters:
- centerLatitude: Latitude of the center of the track. In decimal degrees. Retrieve from Google Maps/Earth.
- centerLongitude: Longitude of the center of the track. In decimal degrees. Retrieve from Google Maps/Earth.
- offset: This is how much the track is rotated from north/south. Measured in degrees from due east CCW. Can convert from bearing from the center to track start via azimuth to CCW angle conversion: Or can just trial and error it on
- trackLength: The average track length of the lanes that you went in. Measured in meters.
- ratioSideToRadius: Essentially how oval it is, 2.5 is a reasonable default. 0 if it is a circle.