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A Highly Customizable, easy-to-use, elegant, dropdown component

Feedback would be much appreciated, questions, suggestions, issues are more than welcome.

MIT License view on npm


A dropdown demo gif

Edit Vue Dynamic Dropdown Component



Install via NPM npm i vue-dynamic-dropdown


Require in your project:

var VueDropdown = require('vue-dynamic-dropdown');

or ES6 syntax:

import VueDropdown from 'vue-dynamic-dropdown'


You can register the component globally:

Vue.component('vue-dropdown', VueDropdown);

Or locally in a single Vue component:

components: {

Insert the following selector anywhere in your project (global) or in your existing component (local): NOTE: To get up and running quickly the package now supports rendering just the selector with default values.



config: {...} is a configuration object that is to be bound to vue-dropdown, API properties are:


Property Type Description
options array Holds the inner selection options of the dropdown (shown when open), each single option is an object that has the value key that pairs with the given value e.g { value: '1st Option' }
width number Determines the width of the dropdown button & options drawer
placeholder string The text shown on the dropdown button by default
prefix string A text prefix that will be added before the placeholder text
disabled boolean Set true if the dropdown should be disabled

Customized Styling

Property Type Description
backgroundColor string Set the dropdown button & options area background color
hoverBackgroundColor string Set the dropdown button & options hover background color
border string Set the dropdown button & options border
textColor string Set the dropdown button & options text color
disabledBackgroundColor string Set the disabled dropdown button background color
disabledTextColor string Set the disabled dropdown button text color


Event Name Returns Description
setSelectedOption Option Object Clicking a dropdown option emits an option data object upwards

Listening to the event e.g:

<vue-dropdown @setSelectedOption="myLocalSetterFunction($event)"></vue-dropdown>

Implementation Example

Define your config options object in the component importing VueDropdown e.g

data: function() {
    return {
        config: {
            options: [
                    value: "option 1"
                    value: "option 2"
                    value: "option 3"
            prefix: "The",
            backgroundColor: "green", 
            disabled: false,

And bind it to the selector like so

<vue-dropdown :config="config"></vue-dropdown>

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If this project helped you reduce development time, you can buy me a cup of coffee :)