Result<TSuccess, TFailure>
is an immutable type that can either have a Success
value (of type TSuccess
), or a Failure
value (of type TFailure
). Result
types should be used in any scenario where code can produce an error. Results are particularly suitable for expected error cases, but can also be used for all error handling. Results force the handling of failures. Instead of throwing exceptions or returning null
, return a Failure
In cases where your result's success case is "no value", use the Functional.Unit
Result<int, string> success = Result.Success<int, string>(100);
Result<Unit, string> success = Result.Unit<string>();
// the above is equivalent to the following
Result<Unit, string> success = Result.Success<Unit, string>(Unit.Value);
Result<int, string> failure = Result.Failure<int, string>("Failure");
Result<int, string> success = 100;
Result<int, string> success = Result.Success(100);
Result<int, string> failure = "Failure";
Result<int, string> failure = Result.Failure("Failure");
// or as a return from a method
Result<int, string> MakeSuccess() => 100;
Result<int, string> MakeSuccess() => Result.Success(100);
Result<int, string> MakeFailure() => "Failure";
Result<int, string> MakeFailure() => Result.Failure("Failure");
Result<int, string> success = Result.Create(true, () => 100, () => "Failure");
Result<int, string> failure = Result.Create(false, () => 100, () => "Failure");
Result<int, Exception> success = Result.Try(() => 100));
Result<int, Exception> failure = Result.Try<int>(() => throw new Exception("Exception Message")));
Result<int, string> failure = Result.Try<int, string>(() => throw new Exception("Exception Message"), ex => ex.Message));
// produces Result.Success<(int, string), Exception[]> if all Results supplied to Zip have success values
Result<(int, string), Exception[]> success = Result.Zip(
Result.Success<int, Exception>(1337),
Result.Success<string, Exception>("the name"));
// produces Result.Failure<(int, string), Exception[]> if at least one Result supplied to Zip has a failure value
Result<(int, string), Exception[]> failure = Result.Zip(
Result.Success<int, Exception>(1337),
Result.Failure<string, Exception>(new Exception()));
Result<(int, string), Exception[]> failure = Result.Zip(
Result.Failure<int, Exception>(new Exception()),
Result.Success<string, Exception>("the name"));
Result<(int, string), Exception[]> failure = Result.Zip(
Result.Failure<int, Exception>(new Exception()),
Result.Failure<string, Exception>(new Exception()));
You cannot access the values of a Result type directly. Instead you work with Results functionally. Results only expose one function with the following signature:
public TResult Match(Func<TSuccess, TResult> onSuccess, Func<TFailure, TResult> onFailure)
If the Result is a Success
, then the delegate in the first parameter is invoked and it's result is returned. If the Result is a Failure
, then the delegate in the second parameter is invoked instead.
// Returns "Has success value of 100"
string value = Result.Success<int, string>(100).Match(
success => $"Has success value of {success}",
failure => $"Has failure value of {failure}");
// Returns "Has failure value of Failure"
string value = Result.Success<int, string>("Failure").Match(
success => $"Has success value of {success}",
failure => $"Has failure value of {failure}");
Working with Match
can be tedious, but there are many extension methods that make using Result<TSuccess, TFailure
> easy and very powerful.
If Success
, this extension will return a Success
Result with the value produced by the delegate parameter, and if Failure
it will return a Failure
Result with the existing failure value.
// Returns Result<int, string> with a success value of 1
Result<int, string> result = Result.Success<float, string>(1.5).Map(s => (int)s);
// Returns Result<int, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<int, string> result = Result.Failure<float, string>("Failure").Map(s => (int)s);
If Success
, this extension will execute the first delegate parameter. If an exception is thrown, it will execute the second delegate parameter (if provided), and return a Failure
Result with the value produced by the second delegate parameter. If no exception is thrown, it will return a Success
Result with the value produced by the first delegate parameter. If the input Result is a Failure
it will return a Failure
Result with the existing failure value.
// Returns Result<int, string> with a success value of 1
Result<int, string> result = Result.Success<float, string>(1.5).TryMap(s => (int)s);
// Returns Result<int, Exception> with a failure value of "Exception Message"
Result<int, string> result = Result.Success<float, string>(1.5).TryMap(s => throw new Exception("Exception Message"), ex => ex.Message);
// Returns Result<int, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<int, string> result = Result.Failure<float, string>("Failure").Map(s => throw new Exception("Exception Message"), ex => ex.Message);
If Success
, this extension will return the Result
returned by the delegate parameter, and if Failure
it will return a Failure
with the existing failure value.
// Returns Result<int, string> with a success value of 1
Result<int, string> result = Result.Success<float, string>(1.5).Bind(s => Result.Success<int, string>((int)s));
// Returns Result<int, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<int, string> result = Result.Success<float, string>(1.5).Bind(s => Result.Failure<int, string>("Failure"));
// Returns Result<int, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<int, string> result = Result.Failure<float, string>("Failure").Bind(s => Result.Success<int, string>((int)s));
If Success
, this extension will return the original Result. If Failure
, it will return the Result returned by the delegate parameter.
// Returns Result<float, string> with a success value of 1.5
Result<float, string> result = Result.Success<float, string>(1.5).BindOnFailure(f =>
Result.Success<float, string>(s * 2));
// Returns Result<float, string> with a success value of 1337
Result<float, string> result = Result.Failure<float, string>("Failure").BindOnFailure(f => Result.Success<float, string>(1337));
// Returns Result<float, string> with a failure value of "More failure"
Result<float, string> result = Result.Failure<float, string>("Failure").BindOnFailure(f => Result.Failure<float, string>("More failure"));
If Success
, this extension will return true
, and if Failure
it will return false
bool value = Result.Success<int, string>(100).IsSuccess(); // Returns true
bool value = Result.Failure<int, string>("Failure").IsSuccess(); // Returns false
If Success
, this extension will return an Option
containing Some
success value, and if Failure
it will return None
// Returns Option<int> with a value of 100
Option<int> option = Result.Success<int, string>(100).Success();
// Returns Option<int> with no value
Option<int> option = Result.Failure<int, string>("Failure").Success();
If Success
, this extension will return None
, and if Failure
it will return an Option
containing Some
failure value.
// Returns Option<string> with no value
Option<string> option = Result.Success<int, string>(100).Failure();
// Returns Option<string> with a value of "Failure"
Option<string> option = Result.Failure<int, string>("Failure").Failure();
If Success
, this extension will return the success value, and if Failure
an exception will be thrown.
int value = Result.Success<int, string>(1337).ThrowOnFailure(errorMessage => new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage)); // Returns 1337
Result.Failure<int, string>("Failure").ThrowOnFailure(errorMessage => new InvalidOperationException(errorMessage)); // Throws an exception
If Success
, this extension will invoke the first delegate parameter and if true
is returned it will return Success
of the input success value. If false
is returns from the first delegate parameter it will return a Failure
Result with the failure value produced by the second delegate parameter. If the input Result is a Failure
it will return a Failure
Result with the existing failure value.
// Returns Result<int, string> with a success value of 100
Result<int, string> result = Result.Success<int, string>(100).Where(s => true, s => $"Failed on value {v}");
// Returns Result<int, string> with a failure value of "Failed on value 100"
Result<int, string> result = Result.Success<int, string>(100).Where(s => false, s => $"Failed on value {v}");
// Returns Result<int, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<int, string> result = Result.Failure<int, string>("Failure").Where(s => true, s => $"Failed on value {v}");
If Success
, this extension will return a Success
Result with the existing success value, and if Failure
it will return a Failure
Result with the value produced by the delegate parameter.
// Returns Result<int, int> with a success value of 100
Result<int, int> result = Result.Success<int, string>(100).MapOnFailure(f => f.Length);
// Returns Result<int, int> with a failure value of 7
Result<int, int> result = Result.Failure<int, string>("Failure").MapOnFailure(f => f.Length);
This extension returns the input Result and is meant only to create side effects. If Success
, this extension will invoke the first delegate parameter, and if Failure
it will invoke the second delegate parameter (if provided).
// Outputs "100" to the console and returns Result<int, string> with a success value of 100
Result<int, string> result = Result.Success<int, string>(100).Do(s => Console.WriteLine(s));
// Returns Result<int, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<int, string> result = Result.Failure<int, string>("Failure").Do(s => Console.WriteLine(s));
// Outputs "Failure" to the console and returns Result<int, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<int, string> result = Result.Failure<int, string>("Failure").Do(s => Console.WriteLine(s), f => Console.WriteLine(f));
// Returns Result<int, string> with a success value of 100
Result<int, string> result = Result.Success<int, string>(100).DoOnFailure(message => Console.WriteLine(message));
// Outputs "Failure" to the console and returns Result<int, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<int, string> result = Result.Failure<int, string>("Failure").DoOnFailure(message => Console.WriteLine(message));
This extension returns void and is meant only to create side effects. If Success
, this extension will invoke the first delegate parameter, and if Failure
it will invoke the second delegate parameter (if provided).
// Outputs "100" to the console
Result.Success<int, string>(100).Do(s => Console.WriteLine(s));
// Does nothing
Result.Failure<int, string>("Failure").Do(s => Console.WriteLine(s));
// Outputs "Failure" to the console
Result.Failure<int, string>("Failure").Do(s => Console.WriteLine(s), f => Console.WriteLine(f));
This extension returns a Result
with Success
and Failure
values reversed.
// Returns Result<string, int> with a failure value of 100
Result.Success<int, string>(100).Transpose();
// Returns Result<string, int> with a success value of "message"
Result.Failure<int, string>("message").Transpose();
Result<Option<T>, TFailure>
types can use all extension methods listed above, but some operations are easier to perform using the extension methods listed below.
This extension method reduces noise caused by using two Match
functions: one for the Result and one for the contained Option. It exists purely for convenience. The following two code blocks are equivalent.
// 'returnValue' is "1337"
string returnValue = Result.Success<Option<int>, Exception>(Option.Some(1337)).Match(
option => option.Match(i => i.ToString(), () => "no value"),
exception => exception.Message);
// 'returnValue' is "no value"
string returnValue = Result.Success<Option<int>, Exception>(Option.None<int>()).Match(
option => option.Match(i => i.ToString(), () => "no value"),
exception => exception.Message);
// 'returnValue' is "ERROR"
string returnValue = Result.Failure<Option<int>, Exception>(new Exception("ERROR")).Match(
option => option.Match(i => i.ToString(), () => "no value"),
exception => exception.Message);
// 'returnValue' is "1337"
string returnValue = Result.Success<Option<int>, Exception>(Option.Some(1337)).Match(
i => i.ToString(),
() => "no value",
exception => exception.Message);
// 'returnValue' is "no value"
string returnValue = Result.Success<Option<int>, Exception>(Option.None<int>()).Match(
i => i.ToString(),
() => "no value",
exception => exception.Message);
// 'returnValue' is "ERROR"
string returnValue = Result.Failure<Option<int>, Exception>(new Exception("ERROR")).Match(
i => i.ToString(),
() => "no value",
exception => exception.Message);
This extension executes a value-producing delegate when the Result meets specific criteria.
- If
and holds an Option with a value, this extension will invoke the delegate parameter. - If
and holds an Option with no value, the delegate parameter will not be invoked, but this extension method will return aSuccess
Result holding an Option with no value for the type that would have been produced by the delegate parameter. - If
it will return aFailure
Result with the existing failure value.
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a success value of Option.Some(50f)
Result<Option<float>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.Some(100)).MapOnSome(i => i / 2f);
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a success value of Option.None<float>
Result<Option<float>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.None<int>()).MapOnSome(i => i / 2f);
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<Option<float>, string> result = Result.Failure<Option<int>, string>("Failure").MapOnSome(i => i / 2f);
This extension executes a Result-producing delegate when the Result meets specific criteria.
- If
and holds an Option with a value, this extension will return the Result returned by the delegate parameter. - If
and holds an Option with no value, this extension will return a Result holding an Option with no value matching the type that would be produced by the delegate parameter. - If
it will return aFailure
Result with the existing failure value.
You can either bind to functions producing Result<TSuccess, TFailure>
or Result<Option<T>, TFailure>
// Bind to functions producing Result<TSuccess, TFailure>
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a success value of Option.Some(200f)
Result<Option<float>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.Some(100)).BindOnSome(i => Result.Success<float, string>(i * 2f));
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<Option<float>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.Some(100)).BindOnSome(i => Result.Failure<float, string>("Failure"));
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a success value of Option.None<float>
Result<Option<float>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.None<int>()).BindOnSome(i => Result.Success<float, string>(i * 2f));
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a success value of Option.None<float>
Result<Option<float>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.None<int>()).BindOnSome(i => Result.Failure<float, string>("Failure"));
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<Option<float>, string> result = Result.Failure<Option<int>, string>("Failure").BindOnSome(i => Result.Success<float, string>(i * 2f));
// Bind to functions producing Result<Option<T>>, TFailure>
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a success value of Option.Some(200f)
Result<Option<float>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.Some(100)).BindOnSome(i => Result.Success<Option<float>, string>(Option.Some(i * 2f)));
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<Option<float>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.Some(100)).BindOnSome(i => Result.Failure<Option<float>, string>("Failure"));
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a success value of Option.None<float>
Result<Option<float>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.None<int>()).BindOnSome(i => Result.Success<Option<float>, string>(Option.Some(i * 2f)));
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a success value of Option.None<float>
Result<Option<float>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.None<int>()).BindOnSome(i => Result.Failure<Option<float>, string>("Failure"));
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<Option<float>, string> result = Result.Failure<Option<int>, string>("Failure").BindOnSome(i => Result.Success<Option<float>, string>(Option.Some(i * 2f)));
This extension executes a value-producing delegate when the Result meets specific criteria.
- If
and holds an Option with a value, this extension will return aSuccess
with the existing success value. - If
and holds anOption
with no value, it will invoke the delegate parameter, producing aSuccess
holding anOption
containing the value produced by the delegate. - If
it will return aFailure
with the existing failure value.
// Returns Result<Option<int>, string> with a success value of Option.None<int>
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.Some(100)).MapOnNone(() => 1337);
// Returns Result<Option<int>, string> with a success value of Option.Some(1337)
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.None<int>()).MapOnNone(() => 1337);
// Returns Result<Option<int>, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Failure<Option<int>, string>("Failure").MapOnNone(() => 1337);
This extension executes a Result-producing delegate when the Result meets specific criteria.
- If
and holds anOption
with a value, it will return aSuccess
with the existing success value. - If
and holds anOption
with no value, it will invoke the delegate parameter. - If
it will return aFailure
with the existing failure value.
You can either bind to functions producing Result<TSuccess, TFailure>
or Result<Option<T>, TFailure>
// Bind to functions producing Result<TSuccess, TFailure>
// Returns Result<Option<int>, string> with a success value of Option.Some(100)
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.Some(100)).BindOnNone(() => Result.Success<int, string>(i * 2));
// Returns Result<Option<int>, string> with a success value of Option.Some(100)
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.Some(100)).BindOnNone(() => Result.Failure<int, string>("Failure"));
// Returns Result<Option<int>, string> with a success value of Option.None<float>
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.None<int>()).BindOnNone(() => Result.Success<int, string>(i * 2));
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a success value of Option.None<float>
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.None<int>()).BindOnNone(() => Result.Failure<int, string>("Failure"));
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Failure<Option<int>, string>("Failure").BindOnNone(() => Result.Success<int, string>(i * 2));
// Bind to functions producing Result<Option<T>>, TFailure>
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a success value of Option.Some(200f)
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.Some(100)).BindOnNone(() => Result.Success<Option<float>, string>(Option.Some(i * 2f)));
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.Some(100)).BindOnNone(() => Result.Failure<Option<float>, string>("Failure"));
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a success value of Option.None<float>
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.None<int>()).BindOnNone(() => Result.Success<Option<float>, string>(Option.Some(i * 2f)));
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a success value of Option.None<float>
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.None<int>()).BindOnNone(() => Result.Failure<Option<float>, string>("Failure"));
// Returns Result<Option<float>, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Failure<Option<int>, string>("Failure").BindOnNone(() => Result.Success<Option<float>, string>(Option.Some(i * 2f)));
If the input Result is Success
and holds Some
, this extension will invoke the first delegate parameter; then, if true
is returned the extension will return Success
of the input success value. If false
is returned from the first delegate parameter, the extension will return a Failure
Result with the failure value produced by the second delegate parameter. If the input Result is Success
and holds None
or if the input Result is a Failure
the extension will return the unmodified input.
// Returns Result<Option<int>, string> with a success value of Option.Some(1337)
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.Some(1337)).WhereOnSome(i => true, i => "Failure");
// Returns Result<Option<int>, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.Some(1337)).WhereOnSome(i => false, i => "Failure");
// Returns original result (Result<Option<int>, string> with a success value of Option.None<int>())
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.None<int>()).WhereOnSome(i => true, i => "Failure");
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.None<int>()).WhereOnSome(i => false, i => "Failure");
// Returns original result (Result<Option<int>, string> with a failure value of "Original failure")
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Failure<Option<int>, string>("Original failure").WhereOnSome(i => true, i => "Failure");
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Failure<Option<int>, string>("Original failure").WhereOnSome(i => false, i => "Failure");
This extension returns the input Result
and is meant only to create side effects. If Success
and holds an Option
with a value, this extension will invoke the delegate parameter.
// Outputs "100" to the console and returns Result<Option<int>, string> with a success value of Option.Some(100)
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.Some(100)).DoOnSome(i => Console.WriteLine(i));
// Does nothing and returns Result<Option<int>, string> with a success value of Option.None<int>
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.None<int>()).DoOnSome(i => Console.WriteLine(i));
// Does nothing and returns Result<Option<int>, string> with a failure value of "Failure"
Result<Option<int>, string> result = Result.Failure<Option<int>, string>("Failure").DoOnSome(i => Console.WriteLine(i));
This extension returns void and is meant only to create side effects. If Success
and holds an Option
with a value, this extension will invoke the delegate parameter; in all other cases, it does nothing.
// Outputs "100" to the console
Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.Some(100)).ApplyOnSome(i => Console.WriteLine(i));
// Does nothing
Result.Success<Option<int>, string>(Option.None<int>()).ApplyOnSome(i => Console.WriteLine(i));
// Does nothing
Result.Failure<Option<int>, string>("Failure").ApplyOnSome(i => Console.WriteLine(i));
This extension method reduces noise caused by using two Apply
actions: one for the Result and one for the contained Option. It exists purely for convenience. The following two code blocks are equivalent.
// "1337" is printed to the console
string returnValue = Result.Success<Option<int>, Exception>(Option.Some(1337)).Apply(
option => option.Apply(i => Console.WriteLine(i.ToString()), () => Console.WriteLine("no value")),
exception => Console.WriteLine(exception.Message));
// "no value" is printed to the console
string returnValue = Result.Success<Option<int>, Exception>(Option.None<int>()).Apply(
option => option.Apply(i => Console.WriteLine(i.ToString()), () => Console.WriteLine("no value")),
exception => Console.WriteLine(exception.Message));
// "ERROR" is printed to the console
string returnValue = Result.Failure<Option<int>, Exception>(new Exception("ERROR")).Apply(
option => option.Apply(i => Console.WriteLine(i.ToString()), () => Console.WriteLine("no value")),
exception => Console.WriteLine(exception.Message));
// "1337" is printed to the console
string returnValue = Result.Success<Option<int>, Exception>(Option.Some(1337)).Apply(
i => Console.WriteLine(i.ToString()),
() => Console.WriteLine("no value"),
exception => Console.WriteLine(exception.Message));
// "no value" is printed to the console
string returnValue = Result.Success<Option<int>, Exception>(Option.None<int>()).Apply(
i => Console.WriteLine(i.ToString()),
() => Console.WriteLine("no value"),
exception => Console.WriteLine(exception.Message));
// "ERROR" is printed to the console
string returnValue = Result.Failure<Option<int>, Exception>(new Exception("ERROR")).Apply(
i => Console.WriteLine(i.ToString()),
() => Console.WriteLine("no value"),
exception => Console.WriteLine(exception.Message));
Option<Result<TSuccess, TFailure>>
types can use all extension methods listed for Options, but some operations are easier to perform using the extension methods listed below.
This extension creates a Result<Option<TSuccess>, TFailure>
type from an Option<Result<TSuccess, TFailure>
- If
and holds aSuccess
, it returns aSuccess
holding anOption
with a value. - If
and holds aFailure
, it returns aFailure
with the original failure. - If
, it returns aSuccess
holding anOption
with no value.
// Returns Result<Option<int>, string> with a success value of Option.Some(1337)
Option.Some(Result.Success<int, string>(1337)).Evert();
// Returns Result<Option<int>, string> with a success value of Option.None<int>
Option.None<Result<int, string>>().Evert();
// Returns Result<Option<int>, string> with a failure value of "error"
Option.Some(Result.Failure<int, string>("error")).Evert();
Since the Result<Option<TSuccess>, TFailure>
type defines its own set of extension methods, it is recommended to use Evert
and work with a Result<Option<TSuccess>, TFailure>
type instead of working with a Option<Result<TSuccess, TFailure>>
type directly.