This project aims to recreate the R-Type game and add a multiplayer mode to it. we had to implement a multi-threaded server and a graphical client in SFML.
This project is an EPITECH Project. If you are an EPITECH student, move out the way! Nothing to see here... The groups don't want to be involved to your -42.
If you're not, no worries! You're welcome here!
To use this project, you'll need CMake 3.16.3 Compiler minimum and conan package manager.
Required tools:
- libudev-dev
- pkg-config
- libgl-dev
# This command will install all dependencies and will generate the binaries needed for the project
Required tools:
- Visual Studio 17 2022 (minimum) with "Development with C++" package installed
Be sure to have set compiler.version to 13 in your ~/.conan/profiles
Required tools:
- libudev-dev
- pkg-config
- libgl-dev
# This command will install all dependencies and will generate the binaries needed for the project
R-Type is developed with C++. EPITECH doesn't impose any Coding Style to this but we tried to be as clean as possible.
Johan Chrillesen - JohanCdev
Cédric Corge - CedricCorge
Tanguy Bellicha - tbellicha
Adam Djebar - djadanis
Louis Maestre - Louismaestre