LOG_HT is python module to perform Hankel transforms when the input signal is log sampled. The code calculates:
F(k)= \int_0^\infty f(r) (kr)^q J_\mu(kr) k dr
f(r)= \int_0^\infty F(k) (kr)^{-q} J_\mu(kr) r dk ,
when f(r)/F(k) are input data that are sampled in log space.
LOG_HT is very fast! The algorithm is due to Andrew Hamilton (see http://casa.colorado.edu/~ajsh/FFTLog/) and was originally inteded for cosmological correlation function and power spectrum calculations.
I (Joseph McEwen) have rewritten the code in python.
See the code LOG_HT_cosmo_test.py as an example of usage.