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Supports latest Highcharts 4 & prototype for Heatmap
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Joe authored and Joe committed May 8, 2014
1 parent 4fbc870 commit fba066c
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@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
ver 3.0.1
- Support Highcharts 4.0
- Prototype support Highmaps (as a module)
- Added Pyramid Series
- Added zField support for Scatter Series 3D

Desktop Demos
- Added 3D charts demo (column, pie, scatter)
- Added Pyramid demo

ver 2.4.5
- Fixed initial empty chart display on Sencha Touch

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166 changes: 92 additions & 74 deletions Chart/ux/Highcharts.js
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* @author
* Joe Kuan <[email protected]>
* version 2.4.5
* version 3.0.1
* <!-- You are not permitted to remove the author section (above) from this file. -->
* Documentation last updated: 31 May 2013
* Documentation last updated: 9 May 2014
* A much improved & ported from ExtJs 3 Highchart adapter.
* - Supports the latest Highcharts (3.0.0)
* - Supports the latest Highcharts
* - Supports both Sencha ExtJs 4 and Touch 2
* - Supports Highcharts animations
* - Supports Highmaps
* - Supports 3D Charts
* In order to use this extension, you are expected to know how to use Highcharts and Sencha products (ExtJs 4 &amp; Touch 2).
* # Configuring Highcharts Extension
* The Highcharts extension requires a few changes from an existing Highcharts configuration. Suppose we already have a
* configuration as follows:
* @example
* var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
* chart: {
* renderTo: 'container',
Expand All @@ -37,26 +39,28 @@
* data: [54.7, 54.7, 53.9, 54.8, 54.4, 54.2, 52.4, 51.0, 49.0, 47.4, 47.0, 46 ]
* }]
* });
* ## Step 1: Remove data related fields
* The first step is to take out the configuration
* object and remove any data related properties such as: *xAxis.categories* and *series[0].data*. Then removes
* *chart.renderTo* option as the extension will fill in that property internally. This leaves us with the following config:
* @example
* chart: {
* type: 'spline'
* },
* title: {
* text: 'A simple graph'
* },
* series: [{
* dashStyle: 'DashDot'
* }]
* chart: {
* type: 'spline'
* },
* title: {
* text: 'A simple graph'
* },
* series: [{
* dashStyle: 'DashDot'
* }]
* ## Step 2: Create chartConfig
* The next step is to create an object called, *chartConfig*, and put the above configuration in it. Then we extract the
* series array to an upper level which gives the followings:
* @example
* series: [{
* dashStyle: 'DashDot'
* }],
Expand All @@ -71,7 +75,7 @@
* ## Step 3: Create ExtJs Store and data mappings
* Then we create a ExtJs Store object to map the data fields.
* @example
* Ext.define('SampleData', {
* extend: '',
* fields: [
Expand All @@ -95,41 +99,41 @@
* Then we modify the series array with data mappings to Store; we add *xField* outside the series array
* as categories data and *dataIndex* for the y-axis values. For historical reason, we can also use *yField*,
* just an alias name for *dataIndex*.
* @example
* series:[{
* dashStyle: 'DashDot',
* dataIndex: 'value'
* }],
* xField: 'month',
* store: store,
* chartConfig: {
* chart: {
* ....
* series:[{
* dashStyle: 'DashDot',
* dataIndex: 'value'
* }],
* xField: 'month',
* store: store,
* chartConfig: {
* chart: {
* ....
* ## Step 4: Create ExtJs Highcharts Component
* The final step is to create a Highcharts component with the whole config as an object specifier.
* @example
* var win = new Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
* layout: 'fit',
* items: [{
* xtype: 'highchart',
* series:[{
* dashStyle: 'DashDot',
* dataIndex: 'value'
* }],
* xField: 'month',
* store: store,
* chartConfig: {
* chart: {
* type: 'spline'
* },
* title: {
* text: 'A simple graph'
* }
* }
* }]
* }).show();
* var win = new Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
* layout: 'fit',
* items: [{
* xtype: 'highchart',
* series:[{
* dashStyle: 'DashDot',
* dataIndex: 'value'
* }],
* xField: 'month',
* store: store,
* chartConfig: {
* chart: {
* type: 'spline'
* },
* title: {
* text: 'A simple graph'
* }
* }
* }]
* }).show();
* # Updating Highcharts chart properties dynamically
* Some of the Highcharts properties cannot be updated interactively such as relocating legend box,
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* contains a *chartConfig* object which holds the existing native Highcharts configurations. At runtime,
* options inside *chartConfig* can be modified and call method *draw* which interally destroys and
* creates a new chart. As a result, the chart appears as a dynamic smooth update
* @example
* var chart = new Ext.create('Chart.ux.Highcharts', {
* ....
* });
* chart.chartConfig.plotOptions.column.stacking = 'normal';
* chart.draw();
* var chart = new Ext.create('Chart.ux.Highcharts', {
* ....
* });
* chart.chartConfig.plotOptions.column.stacking = 'normal';
* chart.draw();
* # Mapping between JsonStore and series data
* The data mapping between JsonStore and chart series option is quite straightforward. Please refers
Expand All @@ -160,36 +164,38 @@
* that are not practical to be initiated as part of chart data. Instead, the chart component can be
* created without any datasets. However, the chart initial animation ({@link Chart.ux.Highcharts#cfg-initAnimAfterLoad})
* must be switched off, so that the extension won't defer plotting the chart waiting for data.
* xtype: 'highchart',
* initAnimAfterLoad: false,
* chartConfig : {
* chart : {
* // Show the empty chart - See Highcharts option
* showAxes: true,
* ....
* },
* ...
* }
* xtype: 'highchart',
* initAnimAfterLoad: false,
* chartConfig : {
* chart : {
* // Show the empty chart - See Highcharts option
* showAxes: true,
* ....
* },
* ...
* }
* Once the chart is displayed, the dynamic series can be displayed via {@link Chart.ux.Highcharts#method-addSeries} method
* using the 'data' field. This can further called by a separate store's load method triggered by some form of
* interactions from the UI.
Ext.define("Chart.ux.Highcharts", {
extend : 'Ext.Component',
alias : ['widget.highchart'],
alias : ['widget.highchart', 'widget.highcharts'],

statics: {
* @static
* Version string of the current Highcharts extension
version: '2.4.5',
version: '3.0.1',

* @property {Object} sencha
* @readonly
* Contain shorthand representations of which Sencha product is the
* Highcharts extension currently running in.
* // Under Sencha ExtJs
* { product: 'e', major: 4, name: 'e4' }
* // Under Sencha Touch 2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,12 +230,14 @@ Ext.define("Chart.ux.Highcharts", {
* @property {Boolean} debug
* Switch on the debug logging to the console
debug: false,
debug: true,

switchDebug : function() {
this.debug = true;

basicSerieCls: "Chart.ux.Highcharts.Serie",

* This method is called by other routines within this extension to output debugging log.
* This method can be overrided with Ext.emptyFn for product deployment
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,6 +329,7 @@ Ext.define("Chart.ux.Highcharts", {
* never be called as the chart is deferring to render waiting for the store data. Here is an example
* of how this should be called. This 'this' keyword refers to the Highcharts ExtJs component whereas
* chart refers to the created Highcharts chart object
* items: [{
* xtype: 'highchart',
* listeners: {
Expand All @@ -346,6 +355,7 @@ Ext.define("Chart.ux.Highcharts", {
afterChartRendered: null,

constructor: function(config) {
config.listeners && (this.afterChartRendered = config.listeners.afterChartRendered);
this.afterChartRendered && (this.afterChartRendered = Ext.bind(this.afterChartRendered, this));
if (config.animation == false) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -379,6 +389,7 @@ Ext.define("Chart.ux.Highcharts", {
* Add one or more series to the chart. The addSeries method can be used with Serie field name configurations referring to fields from the store
* or static data using the data field as the native Highcharts series configuration
* // Append a series with specific data
* addSeries([{
* name: 'Series A',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,7 +417,7 @@ Ext.define("Chart.ux.Highcharts", {
_this.chartConfig.chart.defaultSeriesType || _this.defaultSerieType;
cls = "highcharts." + cls; // See alternateClassName
} else {
cls = "Chart.ux.Highcharts.Serie";
cls = _this.basicSerieCls;

serieObject = Ext.create(cls, serie);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -472,10 +483,12 @@ Ext.define("Chart.ux.Highcharts", {
removeAllSeries : function() {
// Sencha Touch uses config to access properties
var _this = (this.statics().sencha.product == 't') ? this.config : this;
var sc = _this.series.length;
for(var i = 0; i < sc; i++) {
if (_this.chart) {
var sc = _this.chart.series.length;
for(var i = 0; i < sc; i++) {
// Need to also clean up the previous categories data if
// there are any
Ext.each(_this.chartConfig.xAxis, function(xAxis) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -599,8 +612,11 @@ Ext.define("Chart.ux.Highcharts", {

* Redraw the chart. It internally destroys existing chart (if already display) and
* re-creates the chart object. Call this method to reflect any structural changes in chart configuration
* This method is automatically called when the component is created.
* Alternatively, call this method to redraw the chart.
* It internally destroys existing chart (if already display) and
* re-creates the chart object. Call this method to reflect any structural changes
* in chart configuration
draw : function() {
// Sencha Touch uses config to access properties
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1002,6 +1018,7 @@ Ext.define("Chart.ux.Highcharts", {
if(!this.updateTask) {
this.updateTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(this.draw, this);
console.log("update delay " + cdelay);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1056,7 +1073,8 @@ Ext.define("Chart.ux.Highcharts", {

_onResize : function() {
this.resizable && this.update();
this.log("call _onResize");
this.resizable && this.draw();

// private
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63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions Chart/ux/Highcharts/HeatmapSerie.js
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* Heatmap is part of the Highcharts series (i.e. no store in it's own series definition) and is
* packaged as a module. Therefore, users need to include the module in their HTML file.
* <script src=""></script>
* To configure a heatmap series, 3 fields are mandatory: xField, yField and valueField.
* The following is an example of a series configuration:
* xtype: 'highcharts',
* chartConfig: {
* ....
* },
* series: [{
* type: 'heatmap',
* xField: 'Date',
* yField: 'Time',
* dataIndex: 'Temperature',
* borderWidth: 0,
* colsize: 24 * 3600000, // one day
* tooltip: {
* headerFormat: 'Temperature<br/>',
* pointFormat: '{point.x:%e %b, %Y} {point.y}:00: <b>{point.value} ℃</b>'
* }
* }]
Ext.define('Chart.ux.Highcharts.HeatmapSerie', {
extend : 'Chart.ux.Highcharts.Serie',
alternateClassName: [ 'highcharts.heatmap' ],
type : 'heatmap',

* @cfg colorField
* @private

* @cfg xField
* mandatory field for the heatmap x-axis
xField: null,

* @cfg yField
* mandatory field for the heatmap y-axis
yField: null,

* @cfg dataIndex
* mandatory field for the value of a heatmap cell
dataIndex: null,

getData: function(record) {
return [[this.xField],[this.yField],[this.dataIndex]

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