What's this? It's easier to create 2D/twox dimensional layouts with css grid. Eg. We can work both on X-axis and Y-axis at a time. In simplified term ->
Grid is a css box model to easily layout, align and distribute space among items withing a container both horizontally and vertically.
- Also its markup is more simpler
- CSS grid is more flexible in terms of responsive web design
- No need of frameworks for responsiveness
- Good browser support
- In grid, the element or container which wraps all the children elements or items is called flexbox container and childrens or each children elements/items are called flexbox items.
- Grid container has their own properties and values
- Same goes to children, also grid items/childrens has their own properties and values
- In flexbox, there are two axis, they are Main axis and Cross axis.
- To make a grid container
display: grid;
A grid container must have display property with grid value. It allows us to use others gird properties.
display: grid
: property allows us to implement how many columns we need and what size(width) each column should be.grid-template-columns: 100px 200px 100px;
we defined 3 colums with respective width.
: property allows us to implement how many rows we need and what size(height) each row should begrid-template-rows: 200px 200px;
we defined 2 ros with respective height.
Note: We can use auto as
value width which flexes or filed the available spaces. -
: is use to give some gap between grid rows.grid-row-gap: 10px;
: is use to gie some gap between grid columns.grid-column-gap: 8px;
: property combines **grid**-row-gap
and give gaps between ros and columns.grid-gap: 1rem;
(same gap between grid rows and columns)grid-gap: 5px 10px;
(first value for row gap and the second for column gap)
We can use fractional units as values of grid-template-columns
and grid-template-rows
for more responsiveness.
grid-template-columns: 1fr 2fr; /* [fr = fraction] */
grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr
above code means.. 3fr(1fr + 2fr) is the full width or the available width for the grid container and 1fr of 3fr(1/3) is the first column width and remaining 2fr of 3fr(2/3) is the second column width.
same goes for teh
difference is that in the place of width there will be height -
We can use both
in one property. Below is an example:grid-template: 1fr 2fr / 1fr;
- here first part(1fr 2fr) is the value of grid-template-columns
- second part(1fr) is the value of grid-template-rows
When we need so many columns and rows with same width or height we can use repeat() function. It takes two value as arguments, one is the number of time we want to repeat or how many columns or rows should be, second argument is the width or height value we want to give for every columns or rows.
grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr);
- 4 column each has 1/4 width of full width or available width.
grid-template-rows: repeat(2, 120px)
- 2 rows each has 120px height
We can make a particular grid item or children to take full width or a two-column grid or take full height of row by using grid-column
and grid-row
property on a particular grid item.
grid-column: 1/3;
- first part(1) is the value of
defines where this particular column should start - second part(3) is the value of
defines where this particular column should end. - more
grid-column: 1/-1 || 1/span 2
- first part(1) is the value of
grid-row: 2/3;
- first part(2) is the value of
, second(3) is forgrid-row-end
. - And same as
first part defines the row starting point and second for row ending point
- first part(2) is the value of
with this property we can visually make our layout. Suppose we have 12 column grid(each width: 1fr), we want to make below layout:
** Layout picture **
- It's 12 column based grid layout. In the container we need to do:
". h h h h h h h h h h ."
"m m m c c c c c c c c c"
". f f f f f f f f f f ."
.(dot) means this column content is empty space, here
h = header area
m = menu area
c = content area
f = footer area
- Now, we need to define h, m, c and f using
property for teh particular item
grid-area: h;
grid-area: m;
grid-area: c;
grid-area: f;
/* that's it */
grid-template-column: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(200px, 1fr));
- minmax is a function that takes a minimum value and a maximum value.
- auto-fit if we don't want a fix number of columns or rows we can use auto-fit
- auto-fill if we use auto-fill in the place of auto-fit, we will see a different scenario:
- when each grid time comes in one line and we increase the browser width grid-items doesn't fit the browser width.
When we define height only for 1 row, other rows(if any) take its place automatically according to its height and width.
- We can control the height of these extra rows which are automatically taking place below the rows by/using:
grid-auto-rows: 200px
(the height of extra rows will be 200px)
: property defines how the remaining space of content should be distributed in main-axis/row-direction:justify-content: start(default);
justify-content: right;
(align to the right)justify-content: center;
(align to the center)justify-content: space-between;
(give space between columns)justify-content: space-around;
(give space around columns equally)justify-content: space-evenly;
: property defines how the remaining space of content should be distributed in cross-axis for rows.- It has same vales as
has but it provides alignment in cross-axis - Note:
align-content: end
- It has same vales as
These properties should use in grid container
justify-items: end;
(align item to the end of the item/box horizontally)justify-items: center
(align item to the center of the item/box horizontally)align-items: end
(align item to the end of the item/box vertically)justify-items: center
(align item to the center of the item/box vertically)
These properties should use in grid individual item:
: is a grid-item property we can align individual item using this:justify-self: start | center || end;
(align to the start/center/end of the box only to the particular item)
If you want to know whether the browser support css-grid or not, you can check it by-
@supports (display: grid) {
// if support all the rules of grid will support code written here
grid-row-start: start-line;
grid-row-end: end-line;
grid-column-start: start-line;
grid-column-end: end-line;
justify-self: center | end ;
align-self: center | end;
grid-template-rows: 100px 100px 100px;
grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
row-gap: 10px;
column-gap: 10px;
grid-auto-rows: minmax(50px, auto);
grid-auto-columns: minmax(50px, auto);
row-gap: 10px; /* used to add some gap between rows */
column-gap: 10px; /* used to add some gap between columns */
css grid flow algorithm (container properties) specifying exactly how auto-placed items get flowed into the grid.
grid-auto-flow: row(default) | column(items will stack vertically and then split over to the next column);
justify-items: ;
align-items: ;
justify-content: ;
align-content: ;
/* grid-template-areas: the value of this are the grid-area aliases of grid-item, by which we can position our grid. For example: */
"gi1-alias gi1-alias gr3-alias"
"gi2-alias . gi3-alias"
". . gi3-alias" ; /*(.(period/dot) means this column will be empty) */
/* here each ""inverted comma block is a row and each grid-area aliases indicate a column.
Now grid-area aliases should be defined on the grid-item. */
.grid-item1 {
grid-area: gi1-alias;
.grid-item2 {
grid-area: gi2-alias;
.grid-item3 {
grid-area: gi3-alias;
justify-items: center | end | start | etc.;
align-items: center | end | start | etc.;
justify-content: center | end ;
align-content: center | end;
/* For example we've a grid container with 300px width and added 5 grid-items.
Now, on the container,
grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr);
grid-template-rows: 1fr;
Above code means, the grid have to be 4 column and in 1 row. Since we have 5 items, 4 items will be on 1st row and the remaining 1 item will be on implicit grid and implicitly it will be on the 2nd row (it's content size will be the row size) though we explicitly wrote only 1 row.
Similarly/At the same time there can be implicit columns too.
Here comes 2 properties to control those implicit rows and columns
grid-auto-rows: 100px; (the height of implicit rows or each additional rows height);
grid-auto-columns: 100px; (the width of implicit columns width or each additional columns width);
grid-area: grid-row-start / grid-column-start / grid-row-end / grid-column-end;
grid-row: grid-row-start / grid-row-end;
grid-column: grid-column-start / grid-column-end;
grid: grid-auto-columns / grid-auto-flow
/ grid-auto-rows / grid-template-areas / grid-template-columns / grid-template-rows;
grid-template: grid-template-columns / grid-template-rows / grid-template-areas;
gap (grid-gap): row-gap(grid-row-gap) / column-gap(grid-column-gap);
- You need full control of rows AND column(full-page layout, gallery items)
- You want to explicitly define the layout regardless of content size(i.e if you are using flexbox and it starts to get really complicated with a bunch of heights and widths, you probably should be using grid)
- Your content is a row OR column (example: horizontal navbar, vertical navbar)
- You want the of items to determine layout.