This is a very simple, fictional University site that's built with Wordpress, including a custom theme, that's built from scratch. Included in this theme are custom post types such Professors, Programs, and Events posts which has custom fields unique to that post type. It also has relationships between different pieces of content, such as matching a professor with a major or program that they teach. It also contains a javascript powered live search feature. It also uses the Wordpress API, to create a feature called my notes. Which is a very small app where a user type in notes for a class and save it to the Wordpress API.
Added a JQuery slider to the front. In addition to users have the ability to choose how many slides will display in the slider as well as the abitlity to choose the background image for each slide, and whatever content they want on each slide.
Updated some of the files with more detailed comments to explain what is going on.
A localhost Xamp, Wamp etc. And Php, and Wordpress installed on your machine.
- [PHP]
- [Wordpress]
- [JavaScript]
- JQuery
- Stock photos from (