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Adam edited this page Oct 16, 2020 · 2 revisions

Plugin hooks are generally not tested - I only test hooks which I have an environment set up for, and since I haven't actively played Minecraft in years that list is very short. As a result, while I do my best to ensure that I have a solid understanding of the protection plugin, mistakes happen.

Testing a Hook

Testing a hook is pretty easy assuming you have the protection plugin installed.

  1. Install Regionerator.
  2. Start server.
  3. Check startup logs to ensure that there are no errors. Regionerator tests provided hooks on load to ensure that they work.
  4. Run /regionerator check in various locations to verify protection status. All chunks containing even part of a protection should report themselves protected.

Testing Deletion

Generally, I recommend that all users interested in running Regionerator run a cycle on a test copy of their server to ensure that they see the results they're expecting - it's far easier to delete a failed test server than it is to restore a backup to a live server.

  1. Prepare the server by testing the hook.
  2. Shut down the server.
  3. Open Regionerator's miscellaneous data store (./plugins/Regionerator/data.yml).
  4. Change next-cycle.<your_world_name_here> to a low value greater than 0.
  5. Start server.

If everything looks good, push to production! If you notice problems, open an issue and we'll try to work through it together.

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