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Tinker: A CPU Simulator Made by Tinkers

Omar Zawawi, Kuilian Yang, Sadiq Albinalshaikh, Jihao Xin

Tinker is a C++ based CPU simulator, it takes binary instruction as input, running with virtual cycles. Tinker tries to simulate how signal flows in real hardware, by the meantime utilized the advantages of software to simplify the execution.

User Guide

Tinker comes with Makefile and is designed to be easy to use.

All code is in the src folder.

assembly contains the demo assembly code can be used directly. (Our format is a little different with the given).

Control Signals.xlsx is the file for all instructions's control signals, each vector has 150 bits.

Extra Devices.pdf explained some unit we used not in the given specification.

Architecture-Add.pdf & ``Instructions-Add.pdf` are a detailed explaination for how add instruction will work in our design.

  • **Compile Assembly **

    The first step is to compile assembly code to binary with our tinker_assembler.

    git clone [email protected]:JihaoXin/Tinker.git
    cd devices
    make tinker_assembler
    ./tinker_assembler [source file name]

    The assembler takes a source file name as an argument and outputs the binary to code .

    Whitespace have syntactic meaning in the assembler. Comments are not supported.

    The format of assembly please refer to the appendix.

  • Simulate

  • Test

    We also provided unit test to test all component.

      make device_test


We proposed the a comprehensive design, It tries best to simulate how real hardware works.


One complexity comes from the circle, we carefully analyzed the dependencies.

We use add as an illustration of how signal is flowed:


At the start of program, the PC is initialized point to memory 0 and Control Array is initialized with signals to fetch.

Some Key Components are here:

  • Decoder Firstly, the binary instruction will fetch to the decoder, where it will pass the register&immediate values to corresponding multiplexers, and the opcode will be sent to the lookup table

  • Lookup Table

Lookup Table will translate the opcode to pre-defined control signals and pass it to Control Array

In our design, the lookup table will pass the control signal at the speed of 1 instruction / 1 cycle, instead of 1 control signal / 1 cycle. Because it is the Control Array that should do the buffering instead of a Lookup table.

  • Control Array

Control Array is a queue of control signal vectors, which will be split into devices below Control Array's max size is 64.

  • Register File

Register File contains 32 registers.

We also implemented Multi-Ported register file according to the specification, but we did not use it in the simulation.

  • ALU

ALU is a group of independent devices, which can perform varieties of arithmetic.

  • L/S & Memory

We treat L/S & Memory as a single device, where memory is an Array in the Load-Store unit.

  • I/O Device

Each device will take two ports as input, one indicates the input/output port and the other is the value.

But as this is the simulation for the processor regardless of the number of peripherals, also based on the fact that the given test instruction always uses the same in/out port "r0", the Input Device always takes standard input from the keyboard while the Output Device always prints on the screen.

  • Simplified design

    We implemented the comprehensive design, but it comes with very high cycles.

    We argue the more cycle & control signal we did, the more effort we made.

    But we do not want to lose the competition 😠.

    So we also implemented a simplified design which utilized software's ease of use to achieve some logics.

    git checkout simplified

    We hide the branch logic by if and else in C++ thus we can update the PC based on the condition instruction's result, which means we simplified the interaction between PC and Register File.


    We compared both at hello.tnk.

    Comprehensive Simplified
    Control Signals 150 63
    Cycles 408 153

    Although this gives better results, we decides to stick on the comprehensive design.


  • Connection

    The connection is done by the pointer.

    We make every outport as long long and every inport as *long long.

    Such as the figure below, A will send a signal to B so A's outport and B's inport should be connected.

    The value only stores in A's outport, thus B's inport is not a copy but a pointer to A's outport.

    By doing this we only need to connect once** then we can guarantee the inport of B will be always the same as outport of A.

    This is also aligned with hardware as the data flows in a short circuit without a latch is very fast, should be treated as always same.

    CS294V (1)

  • Latch

    Between every two devices, there's a Latch in between. This is more similar to hardware and better for pipelining.

  • Cycles

    The virtual cycle is simulated by an infinite for loop.

    After the connection is done, the for loop will call the receive_clock function of all devices.

    The receive_clock function will update its internal clock counter, and do arithmetic or pass data based on its clock counter.

  • Data Flows

    In real hardware, all data should move together.

    In the simulation, we use sequential coding so there might be overwriting issue.

    Assume call A's receivce_clock first, the outport value of A might be updated. When we then call B, the inport will point to the new value which is not what we want.

    To address this, we should call receivce_clock backward.

    When there's a circle, we manually analyze the dependencies and decide which one should be called first.

  • Data Types

    All the data in the flow and register file, and memory, are declared as long long.

    One exception is the control signal because we are using more than 64 control signals.

    We use std::array<bool, 148> to represent one control signal.

    The Control Array will decode std::array for each unit to long long based on its corresponding bits.

  • Condition

    The condition instruction is not deterministic when the fisrt time issues the control signal.

    Thus we cut the branch instruction into stages and add a feedback connection from ALU to Lookup Table.


    Such as for brnz, when the Lookup Table realized it is a condition instruction, then it will first issue the control signal to compare rs and 0, then based on the feedback connection, it will decide to issue control signals for pc<-pc+4 or pc=rd.


  • Total Cycles

    hello.tnk Arithmetic.tnk
    408 337
  • Instructions

    The table describe the cycles needed to complete each instruction. For example, the fetch and decode will spend 6 cycles, and it is same for all the instructions. For the integer arithmetic, logic, data movement and I/O instructions, we need to do some calculation or data movement, these are counted into execution cycles. And this PC update operation is just pc = pc + 4. For the control instructions, they only update the PC. And for the branch instructions, like brnz and brgt, the pc update operation is based on the result of comparators, so the number of PC cycles depends. The sum cycles to complete is just the summation of these three parts. However, maybe we can do some parallel operations. For example, the add instructions, the instruction fetch and decode, execution and PC update part need 6, 11 and 3 cycles respectively. When we are executing the execution part, we could also do PC update and then do instruction fetch and decode for the next instruction in parallel. So, the potential parallel cycles to complete this instruction is 11 cycles. Note that the potential parallel cycles = max(#execution, #instruction fetch and decode + #PC update).

    Instructions instruction fetche and decode execution PC updata sum cycles to complete potential parallel cycles to complete
    add rd, rs, rt 6 11 3 20 11
    addi rd, L 6 11 3 20 11
    sub rd, rs, rt 6 16 3 25 16
    subi rd, L 6 13 3 22 13
    mul rd, rs, rt 6 13 3 22 13
    div rd, rs, rt 6 18 3 27 18
    and rd, rs, rt 6 11 3 20 11
    or rd, rs, rt 6 11 3 20 11
    xor rd, rs, rt 6 11 3 20 11
    not rd, rs 6 11 3 20 11
    shftr rd, rs, rt 6 11 3 20 11
    shftri rd, L 6 11 3 20 11
    shftl rd, rs, rt 6 11 3 20 11
    shftli rd, L 6 11 3 20 11
    br rd 6 0 5 11 11
    brr rd 6 0 10 16 16
    brr L 6 0 7 13 13
    brnz rd, rs 6 10 3 or 5 19 or 21 10 or 11
    brgt rd, rs, rt 6 10 3 or 5 19 or 21 10 or 11
    Halt 6 0 0 6 6
    mov rd, (rs)(L) 6 14 3 23 14
    mov rd, rs 6 6 3 15 9
    mov rd,L 6 11 3 20 11
    mov (rd)(L), rs 6 11 3 20 11
    in rd, rs 6 7 3 16 9
    out rd, rs 6 5 3 14 9
  • Power & Area

    The table describe the summary how many devices we have and what is the area and power in total. Here, we use 11 demultiplexers and 7 multiplexers for devices connection, 5 registers to store the value from the instruction. All the other devices are only used once. So basically, this architecture could only realize all the instructions, but could only realize parallelism inside one instruction, not between instructions (like pipeline) The total area 121200 nm2, and the total power consumption is 49.7W.

    Device area(nm^2) power(W) number Total area (nm^2) Total power (W)
    Adder 400 0.5 1 400 0.5
    Shifter 200 0.5 1 200 0.5
    Logic 600 0.75 1 600 0.75
    Multiplier 2000 1.5 1 2000 1.5
    Divider 5000 1 1 5000 1
    Comparator 400 0.5 1 400 0.5
    Two's Complement 200 0.25 1 200 0.25
    Register File 20000 4 1 20000 4
    Multiplexer 16 2500 1.25 7 17500 8.75
    Demultiplexer 16 2500 1.25 11 27500 13.75
    Program counter 200 0.05 1 200 0.05
    Register 200 0.05 5 1000 0.25
    Control Array (150 *30) 4500 4.5 1 4500 4.5
    Add4 100 3.2 1 100 3.2
    Less or Equal 600 1 1 600 1
    12-bit write 300 0.5 1 300 0.5
    L/S unit 20000 4 1 20000 4
    Input 150 0.1 1 150 0.1
    Output 150 0.1 1 150 0.1
    Instruction Look-Up Table 20000 4 1 20000 4
    Instruction decoder 400 0.5 1 400 0.5
    All 41 121200 49.7

Some Compromise

We made some compromises to finish the project.

  • We did not do pipeline.
  • We did not implement a real cache, we abstract all memory access in the L/S unit with a high cycle cost.
  • We did not utilize multi port register.
  • We only tested the arithmetic.tnk and hello.tnk. We strong believe the branch signal should wrok but we are still debuging the


Syntax, watchout for the tabs and spaces:

[opcode] [r_d], [r_s], [r_t]
[opcode] [r_d], [r_s]
[opcode] [r_d], ([r_s])[L])
[opcode] ([r_d])([L]), [r_s]
[opcode] [r_d], [r_s]
[opcode] [r_d]
[opcode] [L]

Supported instructions in the assembler (no tabs, and no whitespace before instructions) also acts as an example for the syntax:

add r10, r14, r13
addi r10, 8
sub r10, r14, r13
subi r10, 8
mul r10, r14, r13
div r10, r14, r13
and r10, r14, r13
or r10, r14, r13
xor r10, r14, r13
not r10, r14
shftr r10, r14, r13
shftri r10, 8
shftl r10, r14, r13
shftli r10, 8
br r10
brr r10
brr 8
brnz r10, r14
call r10, r14, r13
brgt r10, r14, r13
mov r10, (r14)(8)
mov r10, r14
movi r10, 8
mov (r10)(8), r14
in r10, r14
out r10, r14


KAUST CS294V Project







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