The package Hipsterent is mainly used to replicate the results of the report Droupout
- Install miniconda (
- Create a file called environment.yml in the envs directory (content of the file is uploaded)
- Create the corresponding environment, the command is
conda env create -f environment.yml
- If the env is created correctly, you will see the environment hipsternet after the command
conda env list
- Install miniconda (
- Create a file called environment.yml in the envs directory (content of the file is uploaded)
- Use Anaconda prompt to create the corresponding environment, the command is
conda env create
- If the env is created correctly, you will see the environment hipsternet after the command
conda env list
- Download the hipsternet-master folder from this website (
- Upload this folder to Google Drive
- Open the reproduce files reproduce_models1,reproduce_models2,reproduce_models3,reproduce_models4 in Google colab
- Now the code should run properly
Side note: The website below is helpful for creating conda environments in terminal (