Joey Huang [email protected] 20191227
spatial_allocator R version
All the installations are based on follwoing settings:
[jhuang@ncaqc2017 apps]$ which ifort
[jhuang@ncaqc2017 apps]$ which icc
[jhuang@ncaqc2017 apps]$ which icpc
[jhuang@ncaqc2017 apps]$ which mpirun
if you have any quesiton please post question to
located in
m3tools or ioapi functions can be found in:
netcdf functions or questions can check here:
I built mulitple version of CMAQ for different usages, since not all versions of CMAQ include Integrated Source Apportionment Method (ISAM):
Decoupled Direct Method in 3 Dimensions (DDM-3D):
Advanced Plume Treatment (APT):
ISAM and DDM are instrumental models for CMAQ source apportionment, the difference between these two are DDM can give us more detail information about contribution the A precursor from B sources to C pollutant. ISAM can only provide contribution from B sources to C pollutant.
APT is a CMAQ advanced plume treatment model for CMAQ, Randy wish to understand of the contributions for landing and takeoff contribution in downwind area of airports.
CMAQ 5.0.2, CMAQ ISAM, CMAQ DDM have been built in
However, there is an evalution issue, we have to update intel fortran compiler to 2018:
CMAQ APT has been built and an issued found related to SCICHEM (dispersion model) files:
Error opening SCICHEM log output file
please contact Prakash Karamchandani at Ramboll ([email protected])
CMAQ 5.2 and CMAQ DDM have been built in
evalutions are OK.
CMAQ 5.3 and CMAQ ISAM have been built in
evalutions are OK.
2016 EMP related files can be downloaded from
by 20191030 EMP v1, MCIP, BC, IC for 12US2 are ready.
20191120 EMP v1 pre merge data are ready on NCDAQ cluster with some minor errors (cannot adjust please see