Jet Jacobs Project 1 Assignment for CS-352
The prefered method of running is the following
1) make
2) make run
Additionally you may run with
1) make
2) ./myshell
Running with a batchfile
1) make
2) ./myshell "inputname"
Substituting the values in quotes with the expected values
This was a smaller project, and I didn't want to spend the time to use a legitamite testing library.
As such I have made a few files that run really basic tests on both the parser and executor.
For a parser test run
1) make parserTest
For a executor test run
1) make execTest
For both run
1) make test
1. cd isn't able to be used with pipe or redirection of inputs
I do know there are more, but these are the ones that stuck out, and may help grading go smoother.
So, I think this was a reall fun project. I do tend to prefer to work in higher level languages,
so that caused some difficulty, but I did learn a lot about how the processes are actually handled.
At the begining I had a fundemental lack of understanding about both the theory, and implementation
of pipes. I think this has cleared most (I'm by no means an expert) of the issues I was having.
Additionally, It isn't as modular as I would have hoped. That being said, it works for the most part,
but it will need some serious TLC if I want it to be up to par.
- More conscise methods
- Slightly less comments
- Find a better control flow rather than 100 if statments