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@github-actions github-actions released this 15 Sep 13:17


  • TinyGo Preview integration for Go scratch files in projects with enabled TinyGo.
  • AVR assembly language injection in avr.Asm and avr.AsmFull functions from device/avr package.
  • TinyGo Build run configuration for only compiling a binary to a concrete location.


  • Link TinyGo sources appeared in heap allocations window to the cached GOROOT library
    for correct symbols resolving and better library code readability.


  • Add lists of unsupported packages for TinyGo versions 0.23.0, 0.24.0 and 0.25.0.
  • Make inspection for unsupported libraries don't mark library as unsupported
    when only extracted by build constraints files point to an unsupported library.
  • Fix link to a description of an unsupported package at the TinyGo website.