Welcome to my rendering of the famous YelpCamp project, inspired by Colt Steele's final project in his bootcamp. It is my goal to have this project completed and then perhaps revisit the project and refactor it with React. As of now the intention is to use EJS, a Node package templating structure for Html and JS. I still prefer React but as of writing this, my React technologies need a bit more grasp before implementing it to this application.
As mentioned above the primary technologies for this project are Html, Css, Javascript, Express, Node Js, Mongo DB + Mongoose, as well as EJS and Nodemon. This would be my first completed fullstack web application with MongoDB and Express, with the other one soon to come (se_project_react). Other dependencies I used were: Joi, method-overide, and ejs-mate. Thank you for visiting and please enjoy the finished product.
As for styling it was largely based upon the Bootstrap 5 alpha release (5.3 as of writing) and it also included a script with Popper.js for popups and navigation.
node app.js