A brain seed algorithm to RaiBlocks
How to use
Clone the repository to a paste
Run the command prompt on this paste
Run the following command:
$ python3 RaiBrainSeed.py
Now you can insert a phrase in the text field. Be sure to choose a long and unique phrase, this is like a password
Click on Generate seed button to generate the seed
Copy and paste your seed wherever you want
How to test your seed
This algorithm was made so you can try it yourself with paper and pen:
- Choose a long and difficult phrase
- Enumerate using hexadecimal and ASCII order each unique character of your phrase
- So if your phrase is "Hello World", your enumerated list must be "H W d e l o r"
- Using the hexadecimal pattern, you must enumerate this list such as:
H = 0 W = 1 d = 2 e = 3 l = 4 o = 5 r = 6
If we had more unique characters, we would continue listing up to 'F' (F is hexadecimal for 15), and we would repeat the process if we had more than 16 unique characters.
- Now you must translate your phrase to the correspondent hexadecimal number:
Hello World = 03445 15642
- Now, since this string has less than 64 characters, we concatenate it until it has 64 characters: 0344515642034451564203445156420344515642034451564203445156420344
Phrase -> The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Seed -> 0851593B22F7E6F8A5D03F652485C1A94F70851593B22F7E6F8A5D03F652485C