A cross-platform drawing library for Windows and macOS which is lightweight and can be used in a shared library, which makes it a good fit for audio plugin GUIs.
GMPI Drawing:
- Has a permissive open-source license
- An open standard. No fees, contracts or NDAs
- Has cross-platform support (Windows and macOS)
- No dependancies except for the standard OS features, and the standard C++ library
- A clean and bloat-free API surface
- Provides all APIs in both C++ and in pure portable 'C' for maximum compatibility
- Uses the platforms native drawing (Cocoa / Direct-2D) to minimise overhead and build times.
- Text in any languages via UFT-8
- Color emojis
- Bitmap images
- Vector paths with lines, bezier curves, and arcs
- Solid, gradient, and tiled image fills
- Rotation, scaling and translation
- DPI aware