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Leaflet Data Visualization Framework (DVF)


The Leaflet DVF is an extension to CloudMade's Leaflet JavaScript mapping library. The primary goal of the framework is to simplify data visualization and thematic mapping.

Markers Election Mapping Country Data

It includes:

New marker types (see the markers example below):

  • MapMarker - create an SVG-based map marker similar to Leaflet's image-based marker, but fully customizable via L.Path style properties
  • RegularPolygonMarker - create N-sided shapes like triangles, squares, hexagons, etc.
  • StarMarker - create stars with N points
  • ChartMarkers - useful for displaying multiple data properties at each location:
    • BarChartMarker
    • PieChartMarker
    • RadialBarChartMarker
    • CoxcombChartMarker
    • RadialMeterMarker
    • StackedRegularPolygonMarker - a variation on the bar chart

Functions for easily mapping data properties to Leaflet style values:

  • LinearFunction
  • Color functions:
    • HSLHueFunction - vary the output hue based on a data property
    • HSLSaturationFunction - vary the output saturation based on a data property
    • HSLLuminosityFunction - vary the output lightness/luminosity based on a data property
    • Various RGB functions
  • PiecewiseFunction - use multiple LinearFunction classes in sequence (e.g. vary a color from white to yellow, yellow to red)

New layer types that simplify reading and visualizing any JSON-based data structure:

  • DataLayer
  • ChartDataLayer
  • ChoroplethDataLayer
  • Others

GeoJSON polygons for countries and US states to support Choropleth mapping. Countries are generated from: Just include these JavaScript files if you plan to build a country or US state choropleth.
Polygons are indexed via a state or country code and lookups are created to map various state/country code formats to the default index format.

Automatic legend generation and a simple legend control. To generate a legend, just call getLegend on any DataLayer, or use the provided legend control and the legend will be displayed automatically.

Support for gradient fills and drop shadows.

NOTE: The dist folder includes a minified version of the full framework as well as a minified version of the code required to use the new markers Use leaflet-dvf.markers.min.js if you want to use the new markers without the rest of the framework


NOTE: Most of these examples have multiple layers; use the layers control to see all of the layers

New Marker Types:

Proportional Symbol:

Choropleth Mapping:



Tutorials coming soon to HumanGeo's blog


A work in progress ...

Basic Enhancements (New)

Two new optional properties have been added to the basic L.Path properties to enable for a gradient fill and drop shadow. For now, these properties are boolean values, but in the future, support might be added for fine-grained control over the appearance of gradients/drop shadows.


var layer = new <Leaflet Path-based Layer (e.g. L.Polygon)>(<Constructor inputs>, {
	// L.Path style options
	gradient: true,
	dropShadow: true


Option Type Default Description
gradient Boolean differs depending on the layer class (most new marker types use a gradient by default) Specifying a value of true will fill the path with a gradient from white to the specified fillColor (top left - bottom right)
dropShadow Boolean false Specifying a value of true will add a dropShadow to the path


The framework adds several new marker types geared towards dynamic data visualization. See the Markers example for an illustration of each of these markers.


Creates an SVG-based map marker, similar to the default Leaflet image-based marker but fully customizable using the basic L.Path properties

Map Marker


L.MapMarker(<LatLng> LatLng, <Marker options> options?);

var marker = new L.MapMarker(new L.LatLng(0, 0), {
	radius: 10,
	// L.Path style options



Option Type Default Description
numberOfSides Number 3 If an inner radius is specified, then the marker will have a hole in center. This property determines the shape of the hole.
rotation Number 0 If an inner radius is specified, this controls the rotation of the hole in the center.
radius OR radiusX, radiusY Number 10 The radius of the circular part of the marker, also adjusts the height of the marker
innerRadius OR innerRadiusX, innerRadiusY Number null The inner radius of the marker hole in pixels.


Creates an N-sided marker

Regular Polygons


L.RegularPolygonMarker(<LatLng> LatLng, <Marker options> options?);

var marker = new L.RegularPolygonMarker(new L.LatLng(0, 0), {
	numberOfSides: 3,
	rotation: 60.0,
	radius: 10,
	// L.Path style options



Option Type Default Description
numberOfSides Number 3 The number of sides the marker should have
rotation Number 0.0 The angle in degrees that the marker should be rotated
radius OR radiusX, radiusY Number 10 The radius of the marker in pixels
innerRadius OR innerRadiusX, innerRadiusY Number null The inner radius of the marker in pixels. Specifying an innerRadius will produce a regular polygon with a hole in the middle.


Star Marker

Creates a star-shaped marker with N-points


L.StarMarker(<LatLng> LatLng, <StarMarker options> options?);

Options (in addition to the L.RegularPolygonMarker options defined above)

Option Type Default Description
numberOfPoints Number 5 The number of points the star should have


Bar Chart MarkerRadial Bar Chart MarkerPie Chart MarkerCoxcomb Chart MarkerStacked Regular Polygon MarkerRadial Meter Marker

Display dynamic charts (bar chart, radial bar chart, pie chart, coxcomb chart, etc.) as markers


L.BarChartMarker(<LatLng> LatLng, <Chart options> options?); L.RadialBarChartMarker(<LatLng> LatLng, <Chart options> options?); L.PieChartMarker(<LatLng> LatLng, <Chart options> options?); L.CoxcombChartMarker(<LatLng> LatLng, <Chart options> options?); L.StackedRegularPolygonMarker(<LatLng> LatLng, <Chart options> options?); L.RadialMeterMarker(<LatLng> LatLng, <Chart options> options?);

var options = {
	data: {
		'dataPoint1': Math.random() * 20,
		'dataPoint2': Math.random() * 20,
		'dataPoint3': Math.random() * 20,
		'dataPoint4': Math.random() * 20
	chartOptions: {
		'dataPoint1': {
			fillColor: '#FEE5D9',
			minValue: 0,
			maxValue: 20,
			maxHeight: 20,
			displayText: function (value) {
				return value.toFixed(2);
		'dataPoint2': {
			fillColor: '#FCAE91',
			minValue: 0,
			maxValue: 20,
			maxHeight: 20,
			displayText: function (value) {
				return value.toFixed(2);
		'dataPoint3': {
			fillColor: '#FB6A4A',
			minValue: 0,
			maxValue: 20,
			maxHeight: 20,
			displayText: function (value) {
				return value.toFixed(2);
		'dataPoint4': {
			fillColor: '#CB181D',
			minValue: 0,
			maxValue: 20,
			maxHeight: 20,
			displayText: function (value) {
				return value.toFixed(2);
	weight: 1,
	color: '#000000',
	... // Other L.Path style options

var barChartMarker = new L.BarChartMarker(new L.LatLng(0, 0), options);

Options (in addition to the L.Path style options)

Option Type Default Description
data Object null A set of key/value pairs that provides a data value for each property displayed by the marker
chartOptions Object null A set of key/value pairs that defines the options associated with each data property displayed by the marker.

Utility Functions

Classes for mapping data properties to Leaflet style values


Used to map a data property from one scale to another


L.LinearFunction(<Number[]|Point> minPoint, <Number[]|Point> maxPoint, <LinearFunction options> options?);

// Map a data property that ranges from 0 to 100 to a value between 5 and 20 (e.g. marker radius)
var linearFunction = new L.LinearFunction(new L.Point(0, 5), new L.Point(100, 20));

// OR - In addition to L.Point objects, you can also use arrays
var linearFunction = new L.LinearFunction([0, 5], [100, 20]);

console.log(linearFunction.evaluate(10));  // prints 6.5


Option Type Default Description
preProcess Function null A function for pre-processing an input value
postProcess Function null A function for post-processing an output value

Key Methods

Method Usage Description
evaluate linearFunction.evaluate(<value>); Interpolates an output value based on the passed in input value

Color Functions

Used to map a data property to a color. The framework includes tools for mapping color using Hue, Saturation, and Lightness/Luminosity (HSL) or Red, Green, Blue (RGB) color. See the Colors example.


Change the output hue dynamically based on the input data property
Useful for producing colors along a rainbow scale (or subset) L.HSLHueFunction(<Number[]|Point> minPoint, <Number[]|Point> maxPoint, <HSL options> options?);

Change the output saturation dynamically based on the input data property
Useful for varying between a color and gray L.HSLSaturationFunction(<Number[]|Point> minPoint, <Number[]|Point> maxPoint, <HSL options> options?);

Change the output luminosity dynamically based on the input data property
Useful for varying between a color and white L.HSLLuminosityFunction(<Number[]|Point> minPoint, <Number[]|Point> maxPoint, <HSL options> options?);

Change the output red value dynamically based on the input data property L.RGBRedFunction(<Number[]|Point> minPoint, <Number[]|Point> maxPoint, <RGB options> options?);

Change the output blue value dynamically based on the input data property L.RGBBlueFunction(<Number[]|Point> minPoint, <Number[]|Point> maxPoint, <RGB options> options?);

Change the output green value dynamically based on the input data property L.RGBGreenFunction(<Number[]|Point> minPoint, <Number[]|Point> maxPoint, <RGB options> options?);

Vary the output color dynamically between two RGB colors L.RGBColorBlendFunction(<Number> minX, <Number>> maxX, <RGB array> minColor, <RGB array> maxColor);

// Map a data property that ranges from 0 to 100 to a color between green (hue of 120) and red (hue of 0)
var colorFunction = new L.HSLHueFunction(new L.Point(0, 120), new L.Point(100, 20));

colorFunction.evaluate(10); // prints 'hsl(110.00, 100%, 50%)'


HSL Options
Option Type Default Description
outputHue Number 0 The desired output hue NOTE: use with L.HSLSaturationFunction and L.HSLLuminosityFunction
outputSaturation String '100%' The desired output saturation NOTE: use with L.HSLHueFunction and L.HSLLuminosityFunction
outputLuminosity String '50%' The desired width of the legend element NOTE: use with L.HSLHueFunction and L.HSLSaturationFunction
RGB Options
Option Type Default Description
outputRed Number (0..255) null The desired output red value NOTE: use with L.RGBGreenFunction and L.RGBBlueFunction
outputGreen Number (0..255) The desired output green value NOTE: use with L.RGBRedFunction and L.RGBBlueFunction
outputBlue Number (0..255) The desired output blue value NOTE: use with L.RGBRedFunction and L.RGBGreenFunction


Used to combine L.LinearFunction instances for cases where one instance won't suffice


L.PiecewiseFunction(<LinearFunction[]> functions, <LinearFunction options> options?);

// Map a data property that ranges from 0 to 100 to a color that ranges from white to yellow, yellow to red
// To vary a color between white and that color, use an HSLLuminosityFunction.  In this case we'll vary
// the color from white to yellow until the value reaches 50
var whiteToYellow = new L.HSLLuminosityFunction(new L.Point(0, 1), new L.Point(50, 0.5), {
	outputHue: 60

// We'll then vary the color from yellow to red from 50 to 100
var yellowToRed = new L.HSLHueFunction(new L.Point(50, 60), new L.Point(100, 0));

// Create a new PiecewiseFunction and use this as you would any other LinearFunction
var colorFunction = new L.PiecewiseFunction([whiteToYellow, yellowToRed]);


DataLayer Classes

Support loading and displaying data from any JSON-based object/collection


Display data values using L.RegularPolygonMarker instances. In thematic mapping, this class displays data using proportional symbols.

NOTE: If the location features are lines/polygons (e.g. GeoJSON), this class will use the centroid of each line/polygon to place each marker. When dealing with line/polygon features, you must include a reference to the JavaScript Topology Suite (JSTS) JS files. These files are used to calculate centroids. If these files are not included, the DataLayer class will fallback to using the center of the bounds of the layer's geometry.


L.DataLayer(<Object> data, <DataLayer options> options?);


Option Type Default Description
recordsField String 'features' A pointer to the field in the input data that contains the records to be visualized. Use null when the data being passed in is the set of records to be visualized. Use dot notation to specify child properties (e.g. data.election.resultsByState), see note below.
locationMode String 'latlng' OR L.LocationModes.LATLNG The mode used to determine a location for each record. Use a string or the L.LocationModes constant values
latitudeField String 'coordinates.1' The property of each record that contains the latitude NOTE: Use with 'latlng' locationMode
longitudeField String 'coordinates.0' The property of each record that contains the longitude NOTE: Use with 'latlng' locationMode
codeField String null The property of each record that contains the code used to lookup a location NOTE: Use with 'state', 'country', or 'lookup' locationMode values
geohashField String null The property of each record that contains the geohash used to determine a location NOTE: Use with 'geohash' locationMode values
layerOptions Object null Default style - An object containing Leaflet L.Path style properties that will be used as the default style for DataLayer markers/polygons. These properties will be overridden by the displayOptions.
displayOptions Object null Dynamic styles - An object containing pointers to one or property values of each record with associated L.Path style properties and LinearFunction objects
tooltipOptions Object null Options used to configure the tooltips that are displayed on mouseover (iconSize and iconAnchor)
onEachRecord Function null A function that performs additional operations (e.g. binding a popup) on a created layer based on the record associated with that layer (similar to the L.GeoJSON onEachFeature method
includeLayer Function null A function for determining whether or not the layer for a given record should be added to the map.
getLocation Function null A function for getting a custom location from a record (e.g. looking up an address) NOTE: Use with 'custom' locationMode value
locationLookup Object (GeoJSON FeatureCollection) null A GeoJSON FeatureCollection that will be used to lookup the location associated with a given record. This is useful when you have some data that maps to political/statistical boundaries other than US states or countries. NOTE: Use with 'lookup locationMode
includeBoundary Boolean null true/false - whether or not the boundary polygon should be displayed when displaying proportional symbols. This is useful for identifying the boundary associated with each symbol.

Referencing Data Properties

Use dot notation to reference items in the passed in data object. This applies to all field options (e.g. recordsField) as well as displayOptions.

Given an object like:

	data: {
		values: [
				property1: 1,
				property2: 'akdfljlkfds',
				property3: 234,
				location: [-1.234324, 13.123213],
				additional: {
					property1: 2,
					property2: 56
				property1: 34,
				property2: 'werewrwer',
				property3: 56,
				location: [5.435444, 8.999345],
				additional: {
					property1: 88,
					property2: 3

You might specify the following options:

	recordsField: 'data.values',
	locationMode: L.LocationModes.LATLNG,
	latitudeField: 'location.1'  // Points to the second item in the location array
	longitudeField: 'location.0' // Points to the first item in the location array,
	displayOptions: {
		'additional.property1': {
			... // See displayOptions below


The displayOptions option is used to define how data properties are dynamically mapped to display styles. It's a JavaScript object of key/value pairs that follows the pattern:

	<reference to data property 1>: {
		displayName: <Human-readable text describing this property>,
		displayText: <Function for converting the value of this property to a human-readable value>,
		// Leaflet L.Path style properties with static values or L.LinearFunction instances
		// or just functions for dynamic mapping
		color:  <Color function or basic function (e.g. L.HSLHueFunction)>,
		fillColor:  <Color function or basic function (e.g. L.HSLHueFunction)>,
	<reference to data property 2>: {
		displayName: ...,
		displayText: ...,
	<reference to data property X>: {
		displayName: ...,
		displayText: ...,


Display data values using ChartMarker instances (inherits from L.DataLayer)


L.BarChartDataLayer(<Object> data, <ChartDataLayer options> options?); L.RadialBarChartDataLayer(<Object> data, <ChartDataLayer options> options?); L.PieChartDataLayer(<Object> data, <ChartDataLayer options> options?); L.CoxcombChartDataLayer(<Object> data, <ChartDataLayer options> options?); L.StackedRegularPolygonDataLayer(<Object> data, <ChartDataLayer options> options?);


Option Type Default Description


Display data values using dynamically styled points, lines, and polygons (inherits from L.DataLayer)

Choropleth Data Layer

Choropleth Data Layer


L.ChoroplethDataLayer(<Object> data, <DataLayer options> options?);


Option Type Default Description


Display data values using markers based on L.Icon or L.DivIcon icons (inherits from L.DataLayer)


L.MarkerDataLayer(<Object> data, <MarkerDataLayer options> options?);


Option Type Default Description


Display Panoramio images on the map. Shows the top 50 most popular images for the current map view.

Panoramio Layer


L.PanoramioLayer(<PanoramioLayer options> options?);

Options (in addition to the L.DataLayer style options)

Option Type Default Description
updateInterval Number 300000 The number of milliseconds to wait before updating the current view
size String square The marker image size ("square" or "mini_square")
refreshEvents String moveend The Leaflet events that will trigger a refresh of photos (separate with spaces)


Useful for visually informing users about the dynamic styles associated with your L.DataLayer instances


Add this control to your map to automatically display a dynamic legend for any L.DataLayer based instance that you add to your map

var legendControl = new L.Control.Legend();


L.DataLayer - getLegend()

Call getLegend on any L.DataLayer instance to get an HTML element that can be added to your page


layer.getLegend(<Legend options> options?);

var layer = new L.DataLayer(data, {...});

layer.getLegend(); // Returns HTML


Option Type Default Description
className String null A class name that will be added to the legend element, useful for adding custom CSS styles
numSegments Number 10 The number of segments/bars to include in the legend element
width Number 100 The desired width of the legend element


Leaflet Data Visualization Framework







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