Vim Plugin to comment and un-comment lines in different source files in both normal and visual mode.
This is roughly based on the vim comments plugin.
This plugin has been in my .vim configuration for a number of years and has been pretty bulletproof for me, so I figured the time was right to pull it out into its own repo.
The comments.vim plugin was great, but it didn't support newer languages like Golang, and since Vim includes a commentstring
variable for all the filetypes it supports, I figured I could write a plugin that commented out blocks of code using that variable instead of relying on lots of conditional statements, also, I really wanted to use the same mapping to comment/uncomment the code, and that's how Commentify was born.
By default, Commentify maps the ctrl-c key to commenting and uncommenting.
If you wish to override that, just set g:commentify_map_keys
to 0, then you can define
a different mapping for each of the functions in your .vimrc
to map normal mode, use the commentify
to map visual mode, use the RangeCommentify
Use pathogen. Clone this repo into the bundle directory.
$ cd /path/to/.vim/bundle
$ git clone [email protected]:Jaymon/vim-commentify.git commentify
copyrighted by me, and distributed under the same terms as Vim, see :help license