🛠️ There's always a tool designed for you!
Thanks for Sam Altman. https://moores.samaltman.com/
Thanks for Bill Gates: The Age of AI has begun. https://www.gatesnotes.com/The-Age-of-AI-Has-Begun
Note: Most AI tools are required the OpenAI API Key before usage.
Bing website: https://www.bing.com/
Bing client BingGPT: https://github.com/dice2o/BingGPT
ChatGPT plugin for browser. https://www.chatgpt-sidebar.com/
SpeechGPT: English learning assistant. https://speechgpt.app/
Chrome plugin: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/voice-control-for-chatgpt/eollffkcakegifhacjnlnegohfdlidhn
roomGPT.io: Design your dream room with AI. https://www.roomgpt.io/
ChatPDF: Accelerate and enhance your reading experience with any PDF files. https://www.chatpdf.com/
BookAI: Talk to any books you want. https://www.bookai.chat/
ChatExcel: An AI-assisted tool for interactive control of Excel through text. https://chatexcel.com/
Chat YouTube: Talk to any YouTube video you want. https://chatyoutube.com/
Rytr: Smart writing assistant for emails, blogs and other documents. https://rytr.me/
Copilot Hub: Train your own LLM with your own data. https://app.copilothub.co/home
How about creat an AI-Einstein to solve the problem of superconductor nowadays?
ChatMind: Conversational mind map with AI. https://www.chatmind.tech/
Open GPT: Develop your own ChatGPT applications. https://open-gpt.app/en
Codeium: Similar to Copilot with VS Code plugin, free for personal use. https://codeium.com/
Copilot-x : New code editor developed by GitHub. https://github.com/features/preview/copilot-x
ChatGPT short cut: Maximize your Efficiency and Productivity. https://ai.newzone.top/en/?tags=games
Open AI official handbook: https://github.com/openai/openai-cookbook
Open AI + Python: The OpenAI Python library provides access to the OpenAI API from applications written in the Python. https://github.com/openai/openai-python
Open AI + VS Code: https://github.com/gencay/vscode-chatgpt
ChatGPT+ Shell: https://github.com/TheR1D/shell_gpt
GPT commit: A git prepare-commit-msg hook for authoring commit messages with GPT-3. https://github.com/zurawiki/gptcommit
AutoDoc-ChatGPT: A Python script automatically generates documentation for any programming language. https://github.com/awekrx/AutoDoc-ChatGPT
ChatGPT-next-web: Quickly deploy your own ChatGPT web UI. https://github.com/Yidadaa/ChatGPT-Next-Web
SQL Chat: Chat to generate SQL database. https://github.com/sqlchat/sqlchat
ChatBot-UI: Build your own ChatGPT website. https://github.com/mckaywrigley/chatbot-ui
TaxyAI: Automate your browser with GPT-4. https://github.com/TaxyAI/browser-extension
ChatGPT for Email - Remail. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chatgpt-for-email-remail/jjplpolfahlhoodebebfjdbpcbopcmlk