Analyze a list of passwords and provide an analysis of the the passwords into a mask ingestible to hashcat.
A novel bucket-sort approach with a Big O notation of nlog(n) improves computation by nearly 40% decrease when tested against standard sorting approaches using a 1.6 million sample size from available breach data.
The full breakdown of the approach is detailed in the code, but the high-level understanding is as follows.
Given a wordlist of the following:
A mask list will be generated in this organization:
Looking to the indexes, we can see the pattern emerge more clearly:
[0], # no iteration ever occurred
[1], # a single iteration of this mask was created
[2], # two iterations of this mask were created
[3], # three iterations of a mask never occurred
[4], # four iterations occurred of this mask
This provides a benefit such that there is no need to perform any additional sorting once indexed, greatly reducing complexity.