This method has been tested on Android 9-13 by myself
This php binary is for 64bit ONLY.
This php binary can still connect to the Internet. To connect to the Internet on Android, you need to prepare resolv.conf and cacert.pem, which can be found in the below. To run the server on Android, you need to prepare PocketMine-MP by yourself.
In this section, we will use "Termux" as a terminal emulator.
You can get it here
The PHP can be downloaded from the release page.
Now launch "Termux". To execute the following command:
- Long press the screen until you see text selection appear and then select "Paste".
cd $HOME
mkdir pmmp
This will create a folder named 'pmmp'
Long press the screen until you see text selection appear and then select "Paste".
cp /storage/emulated/0/Download/php /data/data/com.termux/files/home/pmmp/php
chmod 777 $HOME/pmmp/php
This will copy paste the php binary you downloaded to your server's folder. (if you have a downloaded php some where else you might have to edit the command)
Please Download the following files (resolv.conf, cacert.pem, php.ini) from the following download links.
Please execute the following command.
cd $HOME/pmmp/
mkdir config
cd /storage/emulated/0/Download/
mv php.ini $HOME/pmmp/config/
mv resolve.conf $HOME/pmmp/config/
mv cacert.pem $HOME/pmmp/config/
Please download "PocketMine-MP.phar" from the following link.
After downloading the file please execute the following command.
cd /storage/emulated/0/Download/
mv PocketMine-MP.phar $HOME/pmmp/
If your running it for first time then execute the following command.
cd $HOME/pmmp/
env LESMI_RESOLV_CONF_DIR=$HOME/pmmp/config/resolv.conf SSL_CERT_FILE=$HOME/pmmp/config/cacert.pem $HOME/pmmp/php -c $HOME/pmmp/config/php.ini $HOME/pmmp/PocketMine-MP.phar
If you have already ran it one time the use the following command.
$HOME/PocketMine/bin/php -c $HOME/PocketMine/config/php.ini $HOME/PocketMine/PocketMine-MP.phar
The LESMI_RESOLV_CONF_DIR environment variable is created by the modified musl (gcc).