- Install Nvidia drivers on ubuntu-18.04 machine.
- Install CUDA toolkit 10.2.
- Install cudnn8.2.1.
- Install PostgreSQL
- After install PostgreSQL, please set password for default user 'postgresql'. Otherwise, you can create a new user with password.
- Create database 'FaceRecognition'. You can use the name what you want.
This user credential and database name will be used later. - Please allow the remote access to PostgreSQL on ubuntu.
conda create -n face-recognition-v2 python=3.8
conda activate face-recognition-v2
pip install --upgrade pip
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
Please pay attention to the version of onnxruntime-gpu. Please install suitable version of onnxruntime according to the versions of cuda and cudnn,you can find the table by the link: https://onnxruntime.ai/docs/execution-providers/CUDA-ExecutionProvider.html. If you go through this guide, you can ignore this attention. -
pip install torch==1.9.0+cu102 torchvision==0.10.0+cu102 torchaudio==0.9.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
git clone https://github.com/JamesWanglf/face_recognition_v2.git
For face detection node, please download the model.
mkdir ~/.insightface mkdir ~/.insightface/models cd ~/.insightface/models
Download the model file from here, and unzip it. If you can find *.onnx files in ~/.insightface/models/buffalo_s/, it's okay.
For feature extraction node, please download the model.
cd ./face_recognition_v2/feature-extraction mkdir models
Download the model file from here, and place it under ./feature-extraction/models/ directory.
This will create a table named by 'sample_face_vectors' in PostgreSQL database. The database should be created in PostgreSQL first.
cd ./face_detection
python init_db.py -H <db address> -P <db port> -d <db name> -u <username> -p <password>
python init_db.py -H -P 5432 -d FaceRecognition -u postgres -p postgres
Attention: While the face detction server is running on any nodes, you can not initialize the database again.
This app is responsible for the feature extraction from the input image data.
cd ./feature_extraction
gunicorn -w <number of processes> -b wsgi:app
This app is responsible for configuration of database, the face detection, save sample face features to database and comparation between the face feature with sample data.
cd ./face_detection
gunicorn -w <number of processes> -b wsgi:app
You can test these endpoints by using test.py. You can edit this file to enable and disable test functions, and run python test.py
to test.
This endpoint will set the configuration to access to the remote database.- request
"port" is optional. If it's not set, 5432 will be used as default.
curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "host": <host domain/ip>, "port": <db port>, "db_name": <db name>, "username": <username>, "password": <password> }'
- response
- status_code: 200
Database configuration is done.
- status_code: 400
"host" is missing. "db_name" is missing. "username" is missing. "password" is missing.
- status_code: 200
- request
This endpoint will remove all sample face vectors that are saved in database.
- request
curl --location --request GET ''
- response
- status_code: 200
{ "success": "Samples have been removed successfully" }
- status_code: 500
{ "fail": "error_message" }
- request
This endpoint will process the sample faces, including face detection and feature extraction, and save them to database.
- request
You can send base64-encoded image to this endpoint.
curl --location --request POST '' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '[ { "id": "person1", "name: "person1", "image": "....", "metadata": "mydomain.com/myobject1", "action": "embedlink" }, { "id": "person2", "name: "person2", "image": "....", "metadata": "mydomain.com/myobject2", "action": "embedlink" } ]'
- response
- status_code: 200
{ "success": [all success ids], "fail": [list of failed ids] }
- status_code: 500
{ "error": "Invalid request." }
- request
You can send base64-encoded image to this endpoint.
This endpoint will return the list of verified face information inside the posted image, including id, name, metadata and bounding box of the closest sample face for each detected faces.
- request
"min_distance" is optional field. The value of this field is related with the feature extraction model. For example, it will be in [0, 1]. Since we are using "facenet" model as default, the ideal threshold is 0.35.
curl --location --request POST '' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "image": "....", "min_distance": 0.35 }'
- response
- status_code: 200
[ { "bbox": "x, y, w, h", "id": "", "metadata": "", "name": "" }, { "bbox": "x, y, w, h", "id": "", "metadata": "", "name": "" }, ]
- status_code: 400
{ "error": "Invalid request." }
- status_code: 500
{ "error": "error message" }
- status_code: 200
- request