A custom money field for a Laravel\Nova application I am working on. The default Currency field provided by Nova didn't quite cut the mustard for me so ended up creating this.
- Works with minor units (both updating and displaying)
- Displays the amount with the correct currency sign and in the proper locale format
- Adds the currency sign to the create/update field
You can install the package into your Nova application via composer:
compser require Jam0r85/nova-money
In your nova resource file, add the following into your Fields method:
use Jam0r85\NovaMoney\Money;
public function fields (Request $request)
return [
// ...
You can optionally add the column name to be used if different from the display name as per any Nova field:
Money::make('Price', 'price_column');
The default currency is GBP but can be changed per field using currency()
The default locale is the one set as per the Laravel config('app.locale') file but can be changed per field using locale()
By default we assume you are storing values as minor units (eg. £100 = 10000p) but you can change this with notMinor()
This will automatically format all entered values into minor units so remember to remove any laravel set/get attribute methods on your models!
The defaults loaded for this package (Currency, Locale, etc) are loaded within the 'loadDefaults' method within src\Money.php