Folder containing the logisim-evolution microprocessor
Folder containing the python assembler to convert assembly code to machine code
To compile your source code (written following nandgame's assembly rules) type : python
There are 2 registers A and D and one memory channel *A. *A is the memory value at RAM adress A. You can't use A and *A together in any operation (multiplexer thing)
A = D + A A = *A - D *A = *A - 1 D = D + 1 D = 0 A = 1
A = D & A A = *A | D D = ~D
The program jumps at adresse A if the result of the previous operations validates the jump condition. E.g A = 0 ; JEQ jumps because the last op had an ALU resultequaling 0. You can right the jump in the same line as the computing or not. all possible jumps :
- A = 0 ; JEQ
- A = 3 ; JGT
- D = 1 ; JGE
- D - D ; JLE // no need to actually store the result
- D - 1 ; JLT
- ; JEQ // unconditionnal jump
Exception : A = 12 ; JMP // impoossible because all bits of the instruction are erased to store the immediate value, so no value assigning to A and jump in the same line
The RAM needs 1 cycle to ouput data after the input adress changed ! E;G if you want to do :
- A = SP
- *A = *A + 1
you have to skip a cycle in between (the way you want, this is an exemple) :
- A = SP // duplicate instruction
- A = SP
- *A = *A + 1