Compatibility layer for several factions forks
- AtlasFactions
- VulcanFactions
- Joseph's Factions (MCore Factions)
- SaberFactions
- SaberXFactions
- StellarFactions
- FactionsUUID
- various privatized forks
Forks not supported (and not planned)
- SavageFactions
- SupremeFactions
- UltimateFactionsV2
Before you can use FactionIntegrations, you have to import it into your project.
Add the following Repository to your build file.
<name>Luxious Repository</name>
maven {
name = "luxiousPublic"
url = uri("")
maven {
name "luxiousPublic"
url ""
Add the following dependency to your build file.
Replace {VERSION}
with the version listed at the top of this page.
implementation "com.kamikazejam:FactionIntegrations:{VERSION}"