The contract is deployed at 0xcD27BC56A86895F446c99736709B0597791DA0f8 View on etherscan:
- set up
API_URL = "<API URL of Alchemy>"
PRIVATE_KEY = "<Your wallet private key>"
ETH_API = "<Your API key in Etherscan>"
- Test the contract
npx hardhat test test/Lab3.js --network hardhat
// Run on hardhat network to save gas
- Deploy the contract
npx hardhat run scripts/Lab3_deploy.js
// Output: Contract deployed at: "<Address of the contract>"
// e.g. Contract deployed at: 0xcD27BC56A86895F446c99736709B0597791DA0f8
- Verify the contract
npx hardhat verify --network goerli "<Address of the contract>"