Code from in an easy to download format. All of the code can be run in Node.js and most of it in a browser (what can't is noted below). A few posts require libraries and these are found in the node_modules folder and are specified by packages.json. This is a standard NPM layout.
Just like the blog, there may be some examples that do not good follow JavaScript patterns for demonstration purposes.
Each example corresponds directly to a blog post:
- collector.js: How to convert class specific functions into general ones without modifying the original functions or copying any code.
- immutable.js: How to make objects with objects and related immutable.
- in.js: How to check for property existence in a consistent way.
- newTarget.js: What
is and why it can be useful. - nullishOperator.js: Using a new operator to make default checks handle edge cases while still keeping them simple.
- optionalChaining: How to quickly use deep property lookups without triggering errors with a simple syntax.
- optionalFunctionCalls: The new syntax to make a function call only if the property is callable.
- promiseRace.js: How to get the fastest returned API result or error with
and a simple example Polyfill for it. - privateVariables.js: The new syntax of JavaScript private variables compared to the old one.
- privateMethods.js: The new syntax of JavaScript private methods compared to the old one leveraging the new private class field support.
- publicInstanceFields.js: Initialize class fields without constructors.
- uniqBy.js: How to create unique arrays based on a condition in one line with a helper function.
- allSettled.js: Creating a
function that only is fulfilled once all promises run even if there are errors. - ansiColors.js: How to use ANSI codes to format CLI text and provide simple UIs like dynamic loading screens. Node.js Only
- backendImports.mjs: How to do backend imports in Node.js. Node.js Only
- capitalizeSentence.js: Capitalizing sentences instead of just one word with Lodash.
- changeObjKeys.js: How to make a function to transform object keys to values in an array of objects.
- classStatic.js: The new way of declaring static methods in classes.
- clearAllTimeouts.js: Two tactics to clear all timeouts globally in an application.
- compact.js: Using a compact function that eliminates falsy values in an array to simplify logic in compination with arrays.
- consoleStringSubstitute.js: Using
's built in formatters and inspector to help with debugging. - decimalOperations.js: How decimals operations can be computed correctly.
- defaultValuesObjectParams.js: How default values can be used for functions taking a single object as configuration instead of a bunch of arguments.
- exponent.js: A specific syntax for exponents.
- invert.js: Inverting keys and values for dual purpose lookup objects.
- keyBy.js: A function to transform arrays of objects into key value pairs for fast searching.
- mapObject.js: The various ways of mapping JavaScript objects.
- metaClass.js: How to automate the construction of JS classes.
- promiseAny.js: How to get the fastest returned API result with
and a simple example Polyfill for it. - replayFunction.js: How to recall functions with the last arguments without external variables or libraries.
- spreadArrayAdditions.js: Merging arrays with the spread operator.
- strict.js: An example of why adding 'use strict' to legacy code can cause bugs.
- stringRepeat.js: How
can be used to easily create nicely formatted console messages. - swap.js: How to swap variables or parts of data structures without temporary variables using assignment destructuring.
- times.js: How a simple repeater function that accepts a function can be used to simplify nested loops.
- urlObj.js: How the
object can be used to greatly simplify URL string operations. - varUsage.js: An explanation of why
is still necessary in some cases even thoughlet
exists. - watchProperties.js: How to watch JS object property changes with code for debugging.
- addCSSRule.js: An example of adding CSS rules directly via JavaScript to reduce DOM manipulations. Browser Only
- arrayDelete.js: The most common ways of doing Array deletes in JavaScript along with the advantages/disadvantages of doing each.
- async.js: How the
function declarations can simplify async code. Node 8+/Modern browsers only - asyncAndIf.js: How the
helps with conditional logic in asynchronous requests. - asyncAndLoops.js: How the
function can be used in loops. - asyncHooks.js: How to track all async operations in Node.js without altering the original code. Node 8+ only
- autoReloadTester.js: The file used to demonstrate automatic script reloading without a framework for backend code. Node.js Only
- checkLocalStorageMemory.js: How to check the current webpage local storage usage programmatically.
- classInheritance.js: How the
syntax simplifies inheritance - clearArraySameReference.js: How to clear an array and keep the same reference.
- computedPropertyNames.js: Examples of how Object Literal Computer Property Names can be useful.
- conformsTo.js: A generic way to do structured object validation.
- console.js: The most useful ways the JS console can be used (beyond simple string logging)
- countBy.js: Generic counting via a simple callback pattern.
- customArrayOrder.js: How JavaScript's simple object construction and array usage combine to make a very simple custom ordering algorithm.
- customIterable.js: How custom Iterables are implemented in JavaScript.
- deepFlatten.js: How to implement deep array flattening in JavaScript.
- destructParams.js: How destructuring can be used for function parameters to simplify multi value callback returns.
- duplicateKeyChecks.js: An easy tactic to do duplicate key checks in JS and how to extend that to do duplicate format checks.
- eNotation.js: JavaScript's Exponential Notation and how it makes reading and working with very large or very small numbers much easier.
- es6Class.js: A comparison of classes with and without the
keyword in JavaScript. - externalLoopExtraction.js: How to extract features in a function that has a loop with passing in a callback.
- functionName.js: How to get class and function names in JavaScript which is useful for debugging and exploring 3rd party libraries.
- getFirstKey.js: A quick an efficient way to get the first key of an object in JavaScript.
- getValue.js: How to get values from complex objects quickly and safely.
- iifeReplace.js: When and how IIFEs can be replaced by a simple block scope.
- intersection.js: How to discover common array elements across arrays with objects.
- intl.js: Formatting numbers in JavaScript via the native
object. - lockObject.js: The 2 ways of locking objects in JavaScript.
- lookupTable.js: A simple lookup table used to reduce large nested loop performance issues.
- lookupTableAbstracted.js: How to abstract the lookup table creation
- mathMax.js: Math.max and how it can be used to simplify algorithms.
- memoize.js: How to memoize any function in JavaScript that is determined solely based on its parameters.
- naturalStringSort.js: A simple way to implement natural looking string sorts.
- nodeEnvironmentVariables.js: Single setting and config files with Node.js environment variables.
- noDeletion.js: When variables cannot be removed in JS.
- once.js: Restricting function calls to once.
- orderBy.js: Generic multi-property ordering in JavaScript.
- parallelAsyncAwait.js: How promises can work with parallel async calls.
- rounding.js: How
can be used to implement rounding and its other uses. - setObject.js: How to create objects from property paths.
- size.js: A generic way to find the size of multiple types.
- stringNormalize.js: How to deal with string characters that only appear as one character, but count as 2.
- jsShorthand.js: Shorthand conversion syntaxes and the slightly longer and more consistent versions of them.
- sleep.js: How to create a non-callback function for doing arbitrary waiting.
- spreadArgs.js: How the spread operator can be used to simplify dynamic function calls.
- taggedStringReplace.js: The second argument of
and how it is useful beyond performance optimization. - uniqify.js: A simple one line method to make arrays unique without libraries.
- valueOf.js: How any object can act like a number via the
property. Newer syntax added since the 2017 post and a much better introduction. - zipObject.js: How Zip Object works and why it is useful for debugging.
- arrayFrom.js: Array.from and how it simplifies multiple types of array conversions.
- arrayMove.js: Move elements in arrays without having to create lots of variables and logic.
- callBind.js: How call and bind can be used to make
based functions easier to work with and can make them borrowable. - circularReferenceA.js: How Node.js shows circular references and strategies to deal with them. Node.js Only
- conditionalToHash.js: Simplify and automating logic with hashes.
- constructor.js: How the constructor property in ever JS object is useful.
- defaultFunctionParameters.js: How specifying parameter defaults for functions can significantly reduce needed syntax.
- destructuringAssignment.js: Assigning to multiple variables by mapping directly to an object.
- findAsyncInOrder.js: A quick pattern to find a set of async items that can be easily switched to other forms.
- findIndex.js: How findIndex can be useful compared to find functions in some cases.
- fluentInterface.js: An explanation of fluent interfaces and how repeater methods can be added to them.
- forOf.js: What
loops are. - getterSetterAutomation.js: How to automate getters and setters for functions.
- getterIssue.js: How assignment operations in JavaScript can fail due to assignment operation overwrites.
- hasDecimals.js: A quick way to check for decimals for all types.
- infinity.js: Infinity and JS calculation error handling.
- import.js: How the ES6 import and export statements work. Browser Only
- jsonsExtraCharacters.js: How JSON supporting extra characters can mess with JavaScript. JSFiddle here:
- letAndConstUsage.js: When to use
in JS. - makeImmutable.js: How to make any object in JavaScript immutable.
- mapObject.js: An example of the
object and how it can be useful compared to plain objects - nodeExec.js Executing external system commands in Node.js. Node.js Only
- newImplementation.js: Demonstrating how
works with a polyfill-like implementation. - notification.js: Demonstrating the Notification API. Browser Only
- observable1.js: A demonstration of Observable API simplification with a click event. Event is simulated in Node.js.
- observable2.js: A demonstration of Observable API abstraction centered around click events. Extented from observable1.js. Browser Only
- partialModuleImports.js: The syntax of the new style of module imports in ES6 and how they can be reduced to standard ES6 syntax. Node.js Only
- preciseAnimations.js: How to make JS animations precise via self adjusting timers. Browser Only
- protoVsPrototype.js: The difference between
and their usage. - promiseAll.js: Easily managing multiple concurrent async requests using
. - promisify.js: How
can be used to transform async functions into promises. - reflect.js: How the ES6
API can be used as a single interface for many general JS operations. - replaceThisParameter.js: How to transform
based interfaces into parameter-only ones. The tactic works in any environment, but the examples are Browser only. - restProperties.js: How Rest Properties can be used to simply object operations Node 8+.
- regex.js: A demonstration of simple regex expressions and combining them.
- removeWhitespace.js: A demonstration of quick whitespace replacing.
- ruby.js: How close to Ruby syntax JS can get without parsing a source string. Technically, Node.js only, but just replace
and it will work with very modern browsers. - setObject.js: How the set object can be useful.
- splitLimit.js: Split and the usefulness of the limit property.
- spread.js: The spread syntax in JavaScript and how it simplifies function cals and array operations.
- templateLiteral.js: An easier way of doing multiple line strings are replaces.
- throw.js: Examples of throws, Error based objects and how they relate to stack traces.
- typeCoercion.js: When automatic type coercion can make code more readable.
- unique.js: How simple unique value checking is implemented in JavaScript including with a callback.
- valueOf.js: How to specify an Objects value when used in numeric operations and how it can be useful.
- webWorker.js: A simple example of how Web Workers make interfaces responsive when doing complex operations. Browser Only
applyApiCalls.js: How Array.apply can be used as a general pattern to add more functionality to base API calls.
assignTo.js: A function to drastically reduce syntax for asynchronous object property updates.
at.js: A function to reduce the time to get values from potentially empty deep objects.
attempt.js: A function to simplify try and catch. See the corresponding blog post for why this is useful.
bitwise.js A simple example of when bitwise operations can lead to large performance advantages.
callLater.js: A function to store functions to be called later.
callbackWith.js: A way to simplify unit tests by making a function that provides a quick way to mock out functions that call calbacks. Also includes an argsAtSync utility.
compose.js: A function used to simplify sequences of functions.
curry.js: A function that only gets called when passed all arguments otherwise it returns a curry.
extendLodash.js: How to extend Lodash with details for chaining and how it is used across imports.
flatMap.js: A map function that allows multiple values or no values to be returned for each array element. Allows returns that are shorter than the original array.
functionToString.js: About the Function.toString method and how it can be used for debugging and function regeneration.
generator.js: How to significantly reduce the number of callbacks for asynchronous operations by using generators.
getPagePosition.js: How to get an HTML elements position in the page no matter where it is. Browser Only
getters.js: Getters and Setters similar to other Object Oriented Languages in JavaScript.
groupBy.js: An array of object grouping function and what it can be applied to.
identity.js: How the identity function can be useful.
intersection.js: A function that returns the common elements of 2 array, gives an example of where this is useful.
is.js: How a function to check object type is useful.
objectTypeAndEquality.js: When objects with identical properties and printouts are not equal.
observable.js: How to treat data that arrives over time in an array like fashion.
[objectFreeze.js](( How to use const and Object.freeze to create completely immutable objects.
objOf.js: A shorthand way to create objects with dynamic property names in pre-es6 JavaScript.
oneLineForLoop.js: An explanation of for loop structure by using one line for loops only.
mapJoin.js: Using the abstraction of splitting then mapping then joining to simplify string set manipulation.
mapValues.js: Object traversal operations (mapValue and mapKeys) that iterate through objects like
maxDate.js: Using one line of code to find the maximum date.
negate.js: How a simple closure based negate function can simplify code.
mixins.js: A simple way to implement mixins in JavaScript.
nonMutatedLists.js: A simple way to make list operations not mutate their lists.
multiLineJoinString.js: Less cumbersome syntax for multi-line strings in ES5 or less environments.
lazyObject.js: Creating objects that can create more objects or can just be used with no instantiation.
propertyMap.js: A function to group properties from a set of objects. Also has a tactic to avoid array.push in maps.
proxy.js: How to change JavaScript syntax on given objects via the Proxy API.
proxyNumberValidation.js: How to implement JS type checking without setters by using the Proxy API.
publishSubscribeAutomation.js: How to use an abstracted publisher to implement more advanced publish-subscribe patterns.
replace3rdArg.js: How to use the little known ability of String.replace to accept callbacks.
returnWrap.js: How a return wrapper function can be used to merge objects that chain.
reverseLater.js: Return a function that calls the passed in callback with reversed arguments.
sealAndPreventExtensions.js: The difference between the various methods to make objects constant in JavaScript.
selfRegeneration.js: How an object can regenerate itself. This is useful when the object constructor is lost.
seriesGeneration.js: Simplifying series generation via Functional Programming principles.
stoppingForEachLoops.js: How to stop forEach loops without using an exception and a better strategy.
stub.js: A simple one function method of stubbing functions including asynchronous ones.
stringify.js: How to use stringify to pretty print JavaScript objects in a customizable way.
tap.js: How to use the tap and thru methods to customize chained behavior and make debugging much easier.
timing.js: The various ways of timing function calls in JavaScript. Starting with the oldest methods.
quickObj.js: A recursive function to quickly create high depth objects for unit and other tests.
void.js: Uses of the void keyword. Best understood in conjunction with the blog post in this case.
zipObj.js: A function that maps a list of keys to a list of values. This shows an example of why that is important.
argumentParameterBinding.js: A demonstration of a little known arguments object quirk.
arrowFunctions.js: How to implement arrow functions in pre ES6 JavaScript.
beforeAndAfter.js: A before function with an extension into an after one.
bind.js: Bind and an example of it in JavaScript.
chainify.js: How to build a generic chaining method that can add chaining to any object.
circularReference.js: Circular references and potential issues with them. Does not go into all the details, more of an overview.
circularReferencePositives.js: Positives of circular references.
class.js: Classes in ES6 and how to create a close equivalent.
clone.js: How to deep copy objects in JavaScript.
const.js: The const keyword in ES6 and how to create a close equivalent.
debounce.js: Create a wrappped function so that the function it wraps is only called after it stops being triggered every n milliseconds.
defer.js: Run a function after all processing is done in the current callstack.
dependencyInversion.js: Screwed up the monad post. So just the dependency inversion part will be kept.
floatingPointArithmetic.js: A simple algorithm strategy for reliably calculating decimal based numbers.
flow.js: This is used to string functions that use each others results in a chain.
functionDecompilation.js: Function decompilation, Angular.js and simplified dependency injector for it.
functionExpressionProperties.js: How properties on object can be used to simplify code. Specifically, with named Function Expressions.
generator.js: How to implement a relatively close equivalent of generators in pre ES6 JavaScript.
genericChaining.js: An explanation of a simple generic pattern for creating chainable objects.
interatedAsyncCalls.js: How to solve a seemingly wierd issue while passing state to multiple asynchronous calls in JavaScript.
iterator.js: A simple implementation of the ES6 iterator abstraction in non ES6 JavaScript (without an Iterable implementation).
lazyFunctionDefinition.js: Caching values without using conditionals. This is useful for calls that need to be made multiple times.
mapObject.js: An implementation of the map object in ES6 in less than ES6 JavaScript.
mapOrRemove.js: A function used to filter and modify objects.
mapsThirdArgument.js: How the 3rd argument in map() can be used to operate on multiple array elements at once.
memoize.js: A way to automatically cache function calls.
nonMutatingAssign.js: Showing the implementation of a function similar to Lodash assign and how to not mutate with it.
oneLineRandomText.js: How to generate short random text codes in JavaScript in one line using no library functions.
sortsAndNan.js: What NaN return values do to JavaScript's default sort.
templateStrings.js: Evaluating strings with expressions in JavaScript similar to ES6 templates.
let.js: The ES6 let statement and how to emulate close aproximations.
monad.js: Defining a chainable specification of operations.
multiIf.js: Making complex conditionals more readable by using an expression and chaining conditions.
multicore.js: Multicore node.js code. Node.js Only
omit.js: Return an object with properties removed with no side effects.
primitiveCoercion.js: A brief explanation of automatic primitive coercion in JavaScript.
promise.js: Create an object that represents future state.
undefined.js: An explanation of the undefined type.
repl.js: A REPL of JavaScript in JavaScript using streams. Node.js Only
server.js: A 4 line http server using connect.js and serve-static.js Node.js Only
setObject.js: An implementation of the set object in ES6 in less than ES6 JavaScript.
stream.js: A simple example of streams Node.js Only
symbol.js: Implementing ES6 Symbols in pre ES6 syntax.
thisKeyword.js: An attempt of defining all the possible ways that the this context is defined.
throttle.js: Create a wrappped function so that the function it wraps is called at most every n milliseconds.
trim.js: The trim string function and polyfills for trimLeft and trimRight.
typedArray.js: A simple demonstration of the differences between Array and a Typed Array.
where.js: Code for the JavaScript where function.
unionAndIntersection.js: Code for the intersection and union array manipulation functions and the unifyling function.
variableChaining.js: How variable chaining can create globals and how global creation can be avoided.
zip.js: How to use a function that automatically structures raw array data.
- assign.js: How to use and implement a function that merges objects.
- autoExecutingRecursionFunctions.js: How to create functions that can be called without parenthesis. Or other helpers.
- bracketFreeCall.js: How to create functions that can be called without parenthesis. Or other helpers.
- caseForLinting.js: Example of why linting should be used in JavaScript. See blog post for more info.
- chaiAndParenFree.js: How Chai.js uses bracket (parent) free calls.
- cleanSwitches.js: A cleaner way of long decision branches.
- cleanCallbacks.js: A clean way of ordering JS callbacks using an object.
- comprehensions.js: A quick way to do list operations in JS, list comprehensions. Commonly, used in other scripting languages.
- computedProperties.js: A proposal for computed property literals in JavaScript and how to implement a near equivalent.
- constant.js: How to implement real constants in JavaScript.
- curry.js: How to implement a function that splits a multi argument function into a series of single argument ones.
- date.js: JavaScript date comparions.
- decorators.js: How to implement decorators in JS using closures.
- explicitBooleanConversion.js: Using explicit Boolean conversion to save time.
- fibonacci.rb: A fibonacci sequence in Ruby. Syntax emulated in ruby.js.
- flatten.js: How to write a simple array flattening function.
- fold.js: A useful higher order function explained.
- functionExpressionsVsDeclarations.js: A subtle difference between function expressions and declarations.
- functionalInheritance.js: How functional inheritance works.
- constant.js: An explanation of the potiential issues of not using new for object instantiations and a way to combat it.
- multipleInheritance.js: One way to implement multiple inheritance.
- new.js: The pitfalls of not using new before object initializations and an alternative.
- nodePolyglot.js: How to use Bash in combination with Node.js to make the script executable without a node command across multiple OSs. Node.js Only
- objectInitializerShorthand.js: An implementation of's object initializer shorthand.
- once.js: An implementation and usage example of a once function.
- pluckAndUnique.js: How pluck and unique functions are
- private.js: Private Variables in JavaScript and their uses.
- prototypalInheritance.js How Prototypal Inheritance works.
- psuedoClassicalInheritance.js How Psuedoclassical Inheritance works.
- range.js: A range operator in JavaScript.
- restParameters.js: Implementing's rest parameters in vanilla
- ruby.js: A close aproximation to Ruby's syntax in JavaScript.
- rubyMethodSyntax.js: How to use ruby math method like syntax in JS.
- spread.js: spread and a close alternative.
- stringInterpolation.js: Implementing string interpolation.
- super.js: Implementing super in JavaScript (using functional inheritance).
- superThatIsEfficient.js: Implementing super in JavaScript in a more efficient way. Specifically, using PsuedoClassical Inheritance.
- trackingJSStatistics.js: Building a simple function call tracker.
- toStringFunctionTriggers.js: Calling functions by using the '+' operator.
- withEmulation.js: Emulating the JS with statement via a function.
- arrayInstantiations.js: A compact way to declare pre-initialized arrays in JS.
- batman.js: The weird behavior of Array.join demonstrated.
- chaining.js: Chaining self invoking function calls to shorten code.
- defaults.js: A much better way to do default values in JS.
- erlang.js: Emulating Erlang in JS.
- expressions.js: Using expressions to simplify code in JS.
- functionCallInheritance.js: How can be used to create inheritance in JS.
- functionConstructor.js: How the Function constructor works.
- functionDeclerationOperations.js: How function declerations (not just calls) can actually be used in arithmetic operations.
- innerFunctionTesting.js: How to test inner functions in JS.
- metaprogramming.js Using metaprogramming to simplify stuff in JS. Browser Only
- multipleValueChecking.js: A good way to check multiple values at once in JS.
- multipleReturnValues.js: A good way to return multiple variables in JS.
- labeledLoops.js: Did you know that JavaScript has labeled loops?
- listOperatorMagic.js: How to expliot JSs list operator to shorten code.
- obscureIntegers.js You should see it for yourself.
- obscureStrings.js You should see it for yourself.
- overloadingArrayOperators.js: What is possible by overloading array operators in JS. This led me to discover how to run functions paranthesis free. Node.js Only
- overloadingFunctions.js: How to make overridable functions in JS.
- partials.js: How to create partials and some applications.
- perl.js: Emulation perl in JS.
- recursion.js: Recursion without making a recursive call. I'm not joking.
- scheme.js: Emulating scheme in JS.