- JRAD Yassine
- FALL Thierno
- VASSEUR Adrien
$PROJECT_PATH correspond to your directory
$ git clone https://github.com/JYassine/si5-project-web-nodejs.git
$ cd $PROJECT_PATH/server
$ npm install
$ npm start
$ cd $PROJECT_PATH/client
$ npm install
Then create a file called googleApi.json in the /client/src directory with the following content:
"apiKey": "AIzaSyDuLSAFR63flKRNNc9bpN5MQi2JwVRXytU"
This is the Google API key used for the Google Maps and Geocoding APIs.
Then run:
$ npm start
Visit https://covidinfo-305912.ew.r.appspot.com to access our project (deployed on GCP)
Backend service is hosted at https://backend-dot-covidinfo-305912.ew.r.appspot.com (to test API)
Be sure to run the back-end server before !
Server runs at http://localhost:4000/
- GET /incidentRates
- age : represent the age class (0,09,19,29,39,49,59,69,89,90)
- month : (01,02....,12)
- gender : Male or female ("h" for male or "f" for female)
- region : (01, 02...). To know the number for each region see this link
- year : (2020,2021)
Get all positive tests for females at the month May in 2020
- GET /incidentRates?gender=f&month=05&year=2020
Get positive tests for males with age class 29 (between 20 and 29) and month January in 2021
- GET /incidentRates?gender=h&month=01&age=29&year=2021