Race position widget URL generator for XCTrack & Alfapilot
- Pick a platform, comp and pilot and copy the generated URL.
- In XCTrack or Alfapilot look for the "website widget" (at the bottom of the list) and paste the URL.
The widget will refresh every minute in the background. No need to set a refresh rate in the widget options. If the position data is older than 3 minutes (e.g. bad connection in the air) the digits turn red. Flyevent or PWC comps will also appear in the Flymaster groups but without respecting leading points* and no live score. So only use the flymaster group if a comp is not available on the other platforms.
- This is a beta. Feel free to report any issues or suggestions!
- Some events may not appear before the first task is started or live scoring is running. But if you have a close look at the generated URLs you could always manually create your personal URL if you know your pilot number and the comp id.
- Flymaster groups have a 4 minute delay. With the recent changes in the PWC some adjustements may be needed during the event and the widget might not work at all times.
- At the recent PWC in Targassonne Flymaster ranking actually did account for leading points, but this is not generally the case.