A project which can save your time and organize your code on the way learning algorithms.
For learners with Java programming experience:
You can save your time wasted on creating project or editing only one class over and over agian, and keep focus on implementing algorithms.
For total new Java learners:
Besides the time-saving you will get above, you can learn a little bit about Extending, Implementing, Thread, Event, Reflection, Generic, Abstract Class, and Interface, by cracking my code.
1.You should open this project in IntelliJ IDEA. Get IDEA: http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/.(However, you may convert the project to the format which can be opened by Eclipse by yourself).
2.Create your own class implementing algorithm, then extend the BaseAlgorithm and implement the IAlgorithm.
public class Sample extends BaseAlgorithm implements IAlgorithm {
public long getID() {
//Get new ID by running the Common Commands. It is in the bottom of the combobox when running the project.
//Bigger ID, topper in the combobox.
return 1400424368641l;
public String getName() {
//This name will be shown in the combobox.
return "Sample Name";
public String getSummary() {
//This summary will be shown in the console area of the main form.
return "Sample Summary";
public void run() {
//Every algorithm runs in this method.
//Print everything you want to print, by using only one method: print;
//Show a message box, by using method: show.
show("Print String.");
print("Print everything you want to print.");
//Print Object.
Object object = new Object() {
public String toString() {
return "Print me, I am an object.";
show("Print Object.");
//Print Array.
int[] array = new int[10];
show("Print Array.");
//Print ArrayList.
ArrayList<Point> arrayList = new ArrayList<Point>();
arrayList.add(new Point(123, 321) {
public String toString() {
return x + ", " + y;
arrayList.add(new Point(1234, 3210) {
public String toString() {
return x + ", " + y;
show("Print ArrayList.");
//Print \n.
//Asking for a run-time parameter setting, by using method: set.
int defaultNumber = 999;
String defaultName = "Xu ZHANG";
Parameter<Integer> integerParameter = new Parameter<Integer>(defaultNumber, "Number");
Parameter<String> stringParameter = new Parameter<String>(defaultName, "Name");
//Show the parameter setting form.
show("Set Number.");
//Use the parameter by their getValue method.
print("You typed in:\n" + integerParameter.getValue());
show("Set Name.");
print("You typed in:\n" + stringParameter.getValue());
//Set timer. Timer bases on the stack, so you can nest the timer in another timer scope.
//Set timer on.
show("Test timer.");
//Set timer off.
print("3 th Timer off. Time has past " + timerOff() + " ms.");
print("2 th Timer off. Time has past " + timerOff() + " ms.");
print("1 th Timer off. Time has past " + timerOff() + " ms.");