A predictor for LVO versus non-LVO
- Data: Email request to Dr. Kyle and Dr. Brian
- Report: Link
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download the data from the above file
- Create virtual environment (virtualenv venv -p=python3)
- Install the requirement package (pip install -r requirements.txt)
- Run the preprocessing
- Run the training process
Have a folder data in the home directory within which we have another folder 115 which contains all participants (./data/115)
Create another folder called "ecg_clean" in the data folder (./data/ecg_clean)
Provide the path to the ./data/115 folder as the variable directory in preprocessing overhead.py
Run "py preprocessing_overhead.py" and choose the correct option
Wait a minute or so
Create another folder called "feature_processing" in the data folder (./data/feature_processing)
And a final folder called "feature_processed" ( I know yes another one :( )
- Dw, they wont take that much space :)
run option 2 first
Wait a minute or so
HFD data be in feature_processed and your clean data in feature processing
run option 4 (acc and gyro should be clean too)
run option 3 if you want to get your fractal for acc and gyro, edit the code to not overwrite your eeg fractal, or rename the fractal
- Data should be in ecg clean
- To train DL/RNN models, run python eeg_utils to obtain processed_eeg.npy
- Choose a suitable training file
- train_clinical.py: Train a neural network on clinical data only
- train_eegnet_clinical.py: Train a EEGNet on EEG data and a different neural network on clinical data
- train_lstm_clinical.py: Train a LSTM on EEG data and a different neural network on clinical data
- train_eegnet.py: Train a EEGNet on EEG data only
- train_lstm.py: Train a LSTM on EEG data only
- In the root directory run python models/SVM_.py or python models/GP.py or python python models/RF_.py or python models/XGBoost.py
- Select the option for the prepreocessed EEG data you want to use
Please take a look at the table here
https://github.com/jordan-bird/eeg-feature-generation https://eeglib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/