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Instructions to reproduce the resutls:
- Start with downloading the Amazon reviews dataset from AWS( https://registry.opendata.aws/amazon-reviews-ml). It was too big to host on this github repo. Place the json folder into the same folder as the scripts. We have created the /json/dev/ folder in this repo to demonstrate where the files should be.
- You can reproduce the baseline model by running the baseline.py script. This will yield a baseline_metrics.txt file which will hold the F1-scores and the accuracies.
- Running any of the roberta_xx.py scripts will yield a model fine tuned on language xx and a results_xx.txt file which will hold all the F1-scores/accuracies for the fine-tuned model. The roberta_xx.job files are there if you are running it on the HPC cluster.
- The lang2vec notebook contains all of the calculations for the mean R^2 values of the distance types. Note that the F1-scores are manually input into the notebook from the results_xx.txt files by defining the results vector.
- The analysis notebook contains the pipeline for our quantatative and qualitative analysis. Before running it you will need to run roberta_de_test.py in order to get the wrong_ids, y_true and the y_pred vectors. This python script relies on a saved model so you will need to have run roberta_de.py In this case this is analysis of a sample model(fine-tuned on German predicting English). In order to get confusion matricies for the other languages/models the roberta_de_test.py script will have to be adjusted to whichever target and fine-tuned languages you want.
The results themselves are availible in the pdf document in the root folder.