This extension was created to easily and conveniently track the emergence of new blocks in the Bitcoin network. After the new block is mined, the extension notifies the user with a sound signal. The extension also allows you to quickly monitor current commissions on the network.
Obtaining blocks and fees data is done using
- Receiving sound notification when a new block appears in the mainnet or testnet of the Bitcoin network
- Receiving a sound notification when the fee in the network crosses a specified value
- Obtaining information about current fees in the Bitcoin network
- Obtaining information about the time the last block appeared
Click here, then click "Add to Chrome"
- Developed and tested for Google Chrome
- Can be installed on any Chromium browser - Opera (GX), Vivaldi, etc.
- In Microsoft Edge, click "Allow extensions from other stores" fisrt (is asked)
There are currently no plans to support Firefox.
- Firefox does not support some crucial functions (Background service workers).
- Partial support will require an extensive tooling changes.
- There is no demand for the Firefox version.
- Download latest release or the whole repository
- Install Node.js (required version in package.json)
- Compatible
must be installed - In the terminal, run the
npm install
command from the project folder
To monitor the quality of the code, the project provides for the connection of linters.
Rules for ESLint are specified in the /.eslintrc
Code checking using ESLint starts with the command npm run eslint
Rules for Stylelint are specified in the /.stylelintrc.json
Styles checking using Stylelint starts with the command npm run stylelint
Start the dev build with the command npm run dev
After build, a folder /dist
will be created with the built extension,
which can be used to add to the browser.
Each code change initiates a rebuild of the extension automatically.
During build, a source map is also added to enable the use of Chrome Dev Tools
Start the prod build with the command npm run prod
Before building, code checking is automatically run using ESLint and StyleLint.
Built project is stored in the /dist
Load dist
directory on Chrome extension page (instruction)