Releases: ItsTheSky/ItemCreator
This release enhances the global look of ItemCreator while fixing bugs and implementing something new!
Bugfixes / Enhancments
⚡ Added pagination (now you can have unlimited items and properties)
🐛 Fixed error while having no item loaded in ItemCreator #4 #3
🐛 Fixed command's property threw an exception while clicking an item #2
New feature: Abilities!
For Server Admins
From now on, ItemCreator provides a way to add and manage an item's ability!
The only default ability registered is ItemThrow (as its name suggests, the item held is thrown when right-clicked), but more will come over time.
For Developers
You can register your own ability, registering Ability Parameter too.
Check the default ItemThrow example, and feel free to open a pull request for adding it!
ItemCreator v2.2.0 will be released soon, with tons of updates that will improve it!
The Developer Wiki is now finished, and can be read at
Feedback is appreciated, and you can ask for a tutorial on another point I could forget.
What's coming in v2.2.0 ?
✨ New Command property! You can execute the player's command according to the action.
✨ New Attributes property! You can change item's attributes such as health and power, according to the holding slot
✨ Pagination are now available for both items and properties (better user-friendly interface)
✨ BETA You can now convert bukkit items into IC Items (WIP, use /ic convert <item id>
while holding your item)
🐛 Java 11 is now supported officially, while 1.8 -> 1.13 are not anymore.
⚡ The language file has now a version checker, and will warn you if your file is not up-to-date.
What's gonna come next?
I'm open to any new ideas ItemCreator could have, especially hooking in another plugin like shops, menus, etc...
Feel free to send them through a GitHub issue.
This update brings new properties, bugfixes, and cross-version support:
Server Admin
✨ Added spawner count & spawner entity type properties
⚡ Changed the way lore was parsed (no double-empty-line anymore)
✨ Added way to enable/disable custom item
✨ Added potion color and potion effects properties
✨ Added cmd, entity type, enabled and skull owner property
📝 Update language file and added 4 default items (use /ic generate_default
🎨 Refactored default properties
🎉 Added new property type: BlockProperty
Full Changelog: 2.0.1...2.1.0
This small release fix several small bugs that were destroying user's experience:
🐛 Fixed /ic
command, it now has a proper message and tab completer.
🐛 Fixed language between enchantment and lore (remove old lang file to refresh)
⚡ Optimized a bit the custom item's parsing
Full Changelog: 2.0...2.0.1